Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010


  • Natural intelligence works effortlessly ,without even a hint to us , Nature is abundantly carefree and judicious to all. Which we call a principle of least action and least interference 
  •                       ,IN FACT this is therefore the principal of love and harmony. 
  • IF WE CAN LEARN THIS LESSON FROM NATURE THEN WE CAN EASILY FULFILL OUR DESIRES. If you ever observe "How nature works"? that there is hardly any effort expanded by nature to run this universe :-
  • Grass grows without any external pressure, IT just grows on its own.
  • Flowers don't do any special effort to bloom ,when the season comes the bloom without anybody's interventions,
  • Birds never try very hard to fly ,they also fly when they develop their wings, because it is programmed with by the nature,
  • A child grows ,learns to walk ,sleeps ,weeps all on its own .
       "माली सींचे सौ घड़ा ,ऋतू आये फल होए " which means despite best of fertilizers and                     watering,   a fruit tree is not going to bear fruits ,it will bear fruits only when the season becomes favourable to the tree.   
AROUND it's own axis as well as around the sun ,it is again a programmed nature of earth that it keeps on rotating on such a dizzying speed that it hurtles through the space effortlessly 

.It is in the nature of sun to shine,it is the nature of babies to be in bliss, no body teaches them when they come to this world. similarly it is the nature of the stars to glitter and they do it own their own

Similarly it is the nature of a human being to dream and excel in life effort lessly ,it is the human being who can manifest his dreams to reality easily.         
space age explorations would not have been      possible without a human dream,

In vedic science of india it is called principle of economy of efforts:-
('Do less and achieve more,ultimately you come to a state where you do nothing and accomplish every thing ).

That means a faint idea originates in our mind---- and the practical manifestation comes effortlessly,And when you are in perfect harmony with nature ,and are established in your "true self" only then the law of least action comes into force.

Nature is held together by the energy of love (GRAVITY)when your actions are motivated by love they are likely to succeed ,

But when you seek to rule others ,seek money only for yourself for personal gains, then you cut off natural flow of energy towards you ,and it amounts to interference in the expression of nature's intelligence.

On the other hand if your actions are motivated by love then there is no loss of energy, rather it multiplies several folds.                                                                                                   ACCUMULATION OF ENERGY OF LOVE & PEACEFUL CO_EXISTENCE is the power house which you can use to accomplish any task in the world including making enormus amount of money and wealth.


you assume your body as a device for storage and controlling of energy, if you could learn the technique to generate ,store and expend energy in a most efficient way then creation of wealth or achieving any target is possible.
               EGO THE MAIN VILLAIN;-ego is known to sap most of the constructive energy of our body,when our whole mission is ego centric &you seek power and control over others or you seek approval from others in your actions, then you are rendered inactive, you tend to spend your energy in a wasteful manner ,

FREE THAT ENERGY:- AND chanelise   it the way you want to make more wealth.
when your reference is spiritual,you can harness the power of love to evolve in a manner desirable to you.

There are three main components of law of least efforts;

(A)    Acceptance :- Means commitment to the present moment , every thing starts in this moment ,this moment is as it is because the whole universe is as it is this moment alone,you have no control on past and future is yet in the making. when we struggle against this moment then we are actually struggling against the whole universe ,you can wish things to be different in future but in this moment you have to start as you are at this moment.

  • (B)   RESPONSIBILITY:- Responsibility is your own ability to move  the things, it doesn't help by blaming others for your situations or cursing yourself vis -a-vis your destiny. Having accepted the present moment as it is ,circumstances,this problems ,this event,.
  • Your focus on responsibility will expect you to react to the present situation with your best possible efforts. All problems come carrying along a basket of opportunities , if you are still occupied with blame games with others then the opportunities are lost for ever, Transform opportunities into awareness and don't allow them to go waste,

  • (C)   THE DEFENSELESSNESS:- The third most vital component of "Law of least efforts" is defenselessness ,you ,once decided to accept the present moment as your guiding spirit, you do not need to convince or persuade others of your mind or thought process. if we observe people around us  99% of them will be spending 99% of their productive time in proving their point of view to the people again and again fruitlessly .
  • RELINQUISHMENT:- Relinquish the need to toe others for getting appreciated or flattered.This is just waste of most precious of our time. When you remain open to all points of views you are accepting the super NATURE ,your dreams and desires will flow with the flow of nature's will ,then you can release your ambitious intentions without any attachment &wait for a suitable time for your desires to blossom in the lap of mother nature.


what  a positive thinking has to do with your health is only when you experience  it your self
Positivity is about seeing every thing in its right perspective ,with a acceptable attitude than just going against it with a preconceived set of thoughts.
Pessimistic people report increased body pains and painful knee joints than those who remain positively happy and take things as they come. Negative out look or always worrying for a worst outcome hampers our body metabolism resulting less absorption of vital nutrients in the body hence the body &joint pains.
what researchers have to say it ,on their findings:-
Dr Gretchen A Brenes of wake forest university in Winston-Salem North Carolina has only advocated this medical research as a hard reality which can not be ignored by any medical brains in the world.
  Dr Gretchen and her colleagues measured this relation of pain with positivity:
  About 500 people above the age of 60+ were made the subject of study (who had serious arthritis pains in their knees and other bones.) they all were suffering from recurring pains on day to day basis,which added to their disability while moving or working normal house hold chores.
Patients were asked pointed questions about their worrying points?
Some candidly admitted that "I am destined to suffer so no use expecting any thing out of the Hell."" It was found that they were the people who had more pains in their joints.
And the other set of people who were different in their approach towards life uttered " what ever may be the out come I must give it a try"
And the people who had negativity embedded in their minds were suffering the most in their daily steps . Pessimistic people dont believe in their capabilities & the out come of their efforts. so they never try to do any thing which could improve their state , in other words they dont get a chance to try and taste success. 
Pessimistic people even don't maintain certain health behaviours such as exercise ,they are less likely to adhere to  any healthy schedule with consistency  , hence they feel more pains in their bodies than their counterparts. If at all negatively charged pessimistic people ever try to do some exercise they are likely to feel more pains because they have a thinking process which is geared not to expect any positive feel about it , Slight escalation in the pains is going to reconfirm their pessimism that nothing works for them,where as it is a common sense that it takes few days for the body to respond to the health exercises,But before any beneficial effect sets in they have already abandoned it.It becomes a negative self fulfilling prophecy which is very difficult to set right.
Optimistic people may be more likely to accept the healthy tips,they may try exercises regularly as well,despite their condition experiencing nothing noticeable change ,they out of their optimism keep on giving it a try. ( THIS IS WHERE THE CATCH LIES.) out of their jest to improve they at least put a break on further deterioration of their conditions.People should set small goals to achieve and inculcate a habit which enhances their positivity SUCH PEOPLE SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED AT ALL COSTS TO CONVERT TO A POSITIVE THINKERS THAN BEING LEFT ALONE IN THEIR NEGATIVE WORLD.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

HUMAN NATURE ...........इंसानी -फितरत --- (15092020)

इंसानी -फितरत 

इस राहे मुहब्बत की तुम बात न पूछो , 
अनमोल जो हुआ करते थे बेमोल बिक गए इसमें 

उनकी किस्मत का भी कैसा सितारा होगा ? 
जिनको हमारी तरह तक़दीर ने मारा होगा ? 
किनारे पर बैठे लोग क्या जाने डूबने वाले को 
मरने से पहले , किस किस को पुकारा होगा .? 

पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री , 
एक बार देश के सुदूर इलाकों के दौरे पर थे। 
वह आम जनता से मिलने ऐसे क्षेत्रों में, 
जा रहे थे जहां सुविधा के नाम पर कुछ भी नहीं था। 
पर शास्त्री जी के उत्साह में कोई कमी नहीं आ रही थी। 
हालांकि उनके साथ चलने वाले लोग परेशान हो रहे थे। 
कुछ लोगों ने शास्त्री जी को लौट चलने की भी सलाह दी 
पर वे नहीं माने। 

ऐसे ही एक छोटे गांव में बड़ी देर तक पैदल घूमते हुए. 
उनके पैर में थोड़ी चोट लग गई। उनके साथ आए ; 
लोगों ने बड़ी मुश्किल से एक डॉक्टर को बुलवाया। 
डॉक्टर ने आते ही उनके जख्म का उपचार किया 
और कुछ दवाइयां खाने को दीं। फिर कुछ जरूरी 
हिदायतें देकर वह जाने लगा, तो शास्त्री जी ने उसकी 
फीस उसके हाथ में पकड़ाई। डॉक्टर को इसका 
अंदाजा नहीं था। वह पैसे देखकर सकपका गया।

उसने शास्त्री जी को पैसे लौटाते हुए कहा- 
महोदय, इतनी छोटी सेवा के बदले फीस 
देकर शर्मिंदा न करें। मैं आपके काम आ सका, 
यही बहुत है। शास्त्री जी विनम्रतापूर्वक बोले-" 
डॉक्टर साहब, मैं आपको पैसे दे सकता हूं तो, 
आपको पैसे ले लेने चाहिए। हां, यदि कभी कोई 
निर्धन और असहाय व्यक्ति आपको मिले, 
जो फीस न चुका सकता हो तो आप उसका 
इलाज बिना फीस के करना। अगर आप ऐसा 
कर सकें तो यह मेरे ऊपर बहुत बड़ा अहसान होगा। 
यह सुनकर डॉक्टर बेहद प्रभावित हुआ। 
उसने अपना सारा जीवन गरीबों की सेवा में लगा दिया। 
शास्त्री जी ने इसी तरह कई लोगों का जीवन बदला था।

Never think that anyone is better than you. There is no need to look around and compare yourself with others. Each person you see is a unique individual with their own life, challenges, and goals. The only person better than you at any time is the person you have yet to become. But for now, you are awesome... and that's all that matters ...!! 

Teacher must know his moral strength, but than most importantly Who the real teachers are? How one is qualified to be a teacher? There are many issues which need to be discussed ruthlessly and impartially.

I’m mistaken for a flirt when I’m friendly. I’m mistaken for being mean when I’m honest.
I’m mistaken for sad when I want to be alone.
I’m mistaken for shy when I’m quiet.
Quit assuming and get to know me.

A GIRL can be your best friend,
A worst enemy,
A cute sister,
A lovely sweetheart or
A real stupid.. It all depends on how u treat her.or how she takes u ?

Stay committed to your decisions,
but stay flexible in your approach.

When YOu reject a person YOu have cared for once, YOu r actually rejecting YOurself, YOur feelings and YOur emotions bcoz somewhere that person hurt u deeply by rejecting u.
So u would carry on with a poker face rather than letting the person know how badly u were hurt. That's ur way of protecting urself from further hurts!!!!

Give GOD a chance, and
HE will make something beautiful out of your Life?
Believe and Have a faith in Him..
"You have no other choice."

Yesterday is a Cancelled Check;
Tomorrow is a Promissory Note;
Today is the only Cash you have so spend it wisely.

:- If the Road is Beautiful then, Worry About the Destination, But if the Destination is Beautiful, Then Don't Worry About The Road!

"Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation, a mental or physical barter, to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods."

While I was moving, recently, I found a 'Build a Bear' that my son had given me close to 10 years ago. He had recorded his voice in the recording device embedded in the palm of the bear. This is what I heard as I had pulled it down from the top closet shelf: "I love you mommy. I'll love you forever.". Be still my heart.

Tears filled my eyes, for sure. The funny thing is that I hadn't planned on moving. The home that I was renting was being taken off the rental market (homeowner wanted to move back into it), so it was an 'unwanted' move. Hearing that little 5 year old voice, as tho he was standing in the room looking at me with those adorable big eyes, made the packing and uhaul and movers all worth it. It was such a gift! I had forgotten all about that bear and that recording. 

Now it's a treasure I'll never forget about. RECORD YOUR CHILDREN's VOICES!!! Their voices will touch you much more profoundly than photos. :)

Sounds bit weird but fact is that .. Nothing brings two people together like the mutual hatred of another person.
I truely understand the statement " You couldn't handle the truth". The world is so conditioned to accept lies that the truth is often times considered imagination. 

Zindagi mein hum nay kabhi Kuch chaha hi nahi,
Jise chaha ussay kabhi paaya hi nahi,
Jise paaya ussay yuhi kho diya,Jaise Zindagi mein kabhi koi aayahi nahi.
When money speaks, nobody checks grammar!
Good morning

Talent is God given. Be humble.
Fame is man-given. Be grateful.
Conceit is self-given. Be careful.

‎"Knowing who you are is the most valuable asset "
you will ever have.... There is an internal GPS
emotional system that all of us has and,
when you are connected to that it is very hard
to make mistakes."

We can never judge the lives of others,
because each person knows only their
own pain and renunciation.
It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path. ~ Paulo Coelho

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why we forget "NEMESIS" where every action meets Counter reaction,

 हस्ती मेरी मिटाने को....
वोह हमेशा ही मशगूल थे                                                                                                                          
 बाज़ी लगाई थी हम  पर
 न ,जाने क्या सोच कर ?          
उनके रहमो करम पर
 टिकी थी
 मेरे होटों की हंसी.,..... 
दोजख से भी बढकर** 
बन गई थी   जिंदगी मेरी         
पर कोई ख़ुशी हासिल न हु
 उनके यूँ बेजार होने पर  
हे खुदा उनकी नासमझी पर
   आखिर -- हम भी रो पडे
बेबसी पर किसी की कभी .....
..,     तुम  यूँ न हंस देना,
शुक्र मानों उसकी जिसने ..
 तुम्हे बाखुदा बना दिया
  वर्ना यकीन करना ,        
   गर हम न होते.........
 हम से ज्यादा तुम्हारी..
आँखों में आंसू  तैर रहे होते ..

अंतिम पड़ाव

जीना था जिस कदर हमें --इस दुनिया में भाई हम तो जी लिये '- सागर ,घाट कई मिले इस लम्बे सफ़र में जितना पी सके हम , --- सभी पी लिये गम भी थे ,कडवी यादें व् खुशियाँ भी बहुत, थोड़ी फिक्र ,कभी बेचैनी ,कभी थौड़ी हैरानी भी जाना है बस , अब तो हमें ,------------- -------------------- आये थे इसी लिये


आपस में एक जुट रहें, ताकत है-
तो इसी में है
 देखो न ऐब उनके ,मुहब्बत है -
-तो इसी में है ,
 सेहत भी हो ,रोटी कपडा और मकान भी हो ?
 और हमारे दिल को भी हो तस्कीन मुक्कमल ।
 दुनिया में बशर के लिये नेमतें हैं-
 तो इसी में हैं बशर =(मनुष)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

वक़्त की डोर

वक़्त बदलेगा ,यह खिजां भी बदल जायेगी 1 मेरी हो या तेरी शराफत ,सब यहीं दफन हो जाएँगी, कल तो गुजर चुका,आज भी काल बनने को है, मेरी हस्ती का कुछ तो यकीन कर------ कल तो यह भी सुपेर्दे खाक हो जायेगी .

जाने भी दो यारों

हर रात के बाद नए दिन की सहरआयेगी दिन नहीं बदलेगा पर तारीख बदल जायेगी मेरी शराफत को ग़ुरबत का अभी नाम न दो , वक़्त बदलेगा तो तेरी रायभी बदल जायेगी