
Thursday, October 17, 2019

SHVETA''S 40th Birthday 27th september 2020 AT NEW YORK 28


SHVETA'S 40 TH BIRTHDAY  27 TH sept. 2020 


बात ज्यादा पुरानी  नहीं है शायद कुछ दशकों पहले तक के सामाजिक परिवर्तन की दास्ताँ को अगर फिर से खंगाला जाय तो यही बात सामने आएगी की " बेटियों को हमेशा से ही हिन्दू संस्कृति में देवियों का दर्जा तो प्राप्त था लेकिन उसकी दैवीय शक्तियों को सात पर्दों में छुपा दिया गया और उनेह समाज में अपना योगदान करने ही नहीं दिया गया "

वक्त बदला ,लगा तार चल रहे आपसी युद्धों और लड़ाईओं की वजह से जब पुरषों की गिनती पर असर पड़ना शुरू हुआ तो समाज को सहारा देने को महिलायें अपनी देवेयी शक्ति के साथ मैदान में कूद पड़ी और पुरुष केंद्रित समाज में अपना योगदान देने लगी ताकि समाज में पुरषों की कमी की वजह से असंतुलन पैदा न हो जाए।  फिर भी हर परिवार की पहली मुराद यही रहती थी की उन के यहां बेटे ही पैदा हो ताकि परिवार और खानदान चलता रहे। इस मिथ को भी आज बेटियों ने तोड़ दिया है। 

लेकिन जैसे ही 18 वि और 19 सदी में महिलाओं ने अपनी घरेलू बेड़ियाँ तोड़ कर दुनिया में अपनी हाज़री लगानी शुरू की तो देखते ही देखते कितनी ही मल्टीनेशनल कम्पनि के ceo महिल्याएं बन गई और अपनी योग्यता का लोहा मनवाया , 

इसी सन्दर्भ में , उस नारी शक्ति को सलाम करने के लिए , हम आज अपनी बेटी के 40 वे जनम दिन को मनाने आप सब के साथ यहां इकट्ठे हुए है ,मेरी पत्नी ने मुझ से पुछा था की इस जन्म दिन के अवसर पर आप कुछ कहना चाहेंगे ? मैंने कहा कुछ ही क्यों मेरे पास तो " अपनी बेटी को गोद में खिलाने से लेकर आज उसकी बेटियों के साथ खेलने तक के सफर के इतने अद्भुत किस्से और यादे हैं की मेरी समस्या यह है की " शुरू कहाँ से करूँ?"

श्वेता को पालने में झुलाते हुए वक्त भी, मुझे याद है वोह मेरी आँखों में बड़े गौर से झांकते हुए एक सधी हुई मुस्कान दिया करती थी , फिर जोर जोर से किलकारियां मार कर हंसने लगती थी और अपनी पूरी शक्ति का प्रदर्शन करने के लिए दोनों हाथ पैर हिला कर खेलने लगती थी। शायद कुछ बताने की कोशिश करती थी , उसकी मुस्कराहट में एक कशिश थी और एक कहानी जिसे श्वेता ने अपनी अनथक मेहनत और लगन से लिखा है ,जिसे पढ़ते पढ़ते आज चालीस वर्ष गुजर गए। 

मुझे याद आता है उसका टीवी पे गाने चला कर उसके शोर में अपनी पढ़ाई करते रहना , जब की हमारी मान्यता यही है की पढ़ने के लिए एकांत की जरूरत होती है , लेकिन श्वेता कम्प्यूटर्स में मास्टर्स अपने ही अंदाज में हँसते खेलते ,जिंदगी की सीढ़ियां बड़े अच्छे रैंकिंग में चढ़ते हुए आज अपने चालीसवे पड़ाव पर आ पहुंची है और अपनी जिंदगी की उड़ान को बखूबी सेलिब्रेट कर रही है। 

आज हम उसके माँ बाप जो की इंडिया में पूरी तरह से एक खुशहाल जीवन जी रहे थे और अमेरिका में आने का कोई प्लान भी नहीं था , श्वेता ने यह साबित कर दिया है की समाज चाहे लाख कहे   "लड़कियां पराया धन  होती हैं" ऐसा नहीं है  बल्कि लड़कियां आज ,अपने  माँ बाप को  अपना असली धन मानती है और उनके हर सुख दुःख में कंधे से कन्धा मिलाकर चलती हैं , इसी प्यार ने हमे मजबूर किया की हम भी यहां आ जाए.और उसके साथ अपना समय व्यतीत करें ,

आज के इस शुभ अवसर पर हम सब की और से यही दुआ है की ईश्वर सब को ऐसी बेटी दे और सब की जिंदगी खुशिओं से आबाद रहे। 

Indo -Pak RELATIONS " EGO" destroying each other 29

India and Pakistan recently realized that, if they continued political tension, they would someday end up destroying each other.
So they sat down and decided to settle the whole dispute with a dog fight.
 The negotiators agreed that each country would take five years to develop the best fighting dog they could. The dog that won the fight would earn it's country the right to rule Kashmir.
The losing side would have to lay down its arms.

 The Pakis found the biggest, meanest Dobermans and Rottweilers in the world. They bred them together and then crossed their offspring with the meanest Siberian wolves.
They selected only the biggest, strongest puppy from each litter, killed all the other puppies and fed the lone dog all of the milk.
They used steroids and trainers in their quest for the perfect killing machine, until, after the five years were up, they had a dog that needed iron prison bars on his cage. Only the trainers could handle this beast.

When the day of the big fight arrived, the Indians showed up with a strange animal:... It was a nine-foot-long Dachshund!!

Everyone felt sorry for the Indians...
No one else thought this weird animal stood a chance against the growling beast in the Paki camp.
The bookies predicted that Pakistan would win in less than a minute.

The cages were opened. The dachshund waddled toward the centre of the ring. The Paki dog leapt from his cage and charged the giant wiener-dog. As he got to within an inch of the Indian dog, the Dachshund opened its jaws and swallowed the Paki beast in one bite... There was nothing left but a small bit of fur from the killer dog's tail.

The Pakis approached the Indians, shaking their heads in disbelief...!!... "We do not understand. Our top scientists and breeders worked for five years with the meanest, biggest Dobermans and Rottweilers... They developed a killing machine."

"Really?" the Indians replied. "We had our top plastic surgeons working for five years to make an alligator look like a dachshund"

It is rightly said by all learned men in this world THAT:--
‎"When Nails are growing and are retaining decaying matter under them,?  we need to cut our Nails, not Fingers.! Similarly when EGO is Rising? and rot is developing on our mind and soul? We should strive to cut our "EGO" not severe our "RELATIONS"... with others, only because our ego is hurt & unsatisfied?

 We will never get a person of our type in this universe, who is exactly our replica, who thinks, lives, drinks, eats and conducts his life in a manner suitable to us!  we will either have to adjust or we will have to compromise. By ignoring his deficiencies, counting only his virtues.

 We have to fine-tune our selves & readjust our stature according to the situations when someone wants to be with us,? we have to compromise when we want to be with someone! irrespective of our dislikes for him? we have to forgo our" EGO" 

The relationship is the single Toughest Job in our life in this materialistic world. If we lack basic skills to handle it which are LOVE, MUTUAL CONCERN, RESPECT, UNDERSTANDING & CARE. Then we are nowhere!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

DEMENTIA , ALZYMER -PARKINSONS " A Doctor's Personal Story " 30



Recently in the month of August 2020; I had planned vacations with my son's family in Canada, I went there with a head injury which I got in India, I was being treated in India for the same since there was no time left in between,  I boarded a flight to Canada as scheduled,

 Because of head injury, which later bloomed into  Bells Palsy, During that stay, I happened to attend one of a senior forum meeting there in Canada at that time. seniors FORUM like we have in New York on weekends, they were talking of their group admin suddenly having been admitted in a hospital for loss of vital memory like even difficulty in recollecting your home address or even recognizing friends, They had invited some Guest doctors to educate us on the subject and this was an opportunity to know something which was unknown to most of us present there . while revealing startling facts he narrated the story of his colleague doctors who also struggled to live with the loss of active memory/ Alzheimer's or dementia.

 "In the United States, he said, an estimated 5.4 million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. This figure is growing rapidly with the ageing population. His story revolved around one Doctor couple closely known to him,

One of them was Steve Newport. His wife, Mary Newport, was a doctor.  one fine morning Dr Mary learned that her husband had a  severe Alzheimer's disease. How come so sudden? with no alarming symptoms? She was nervous to note this. she took him for Medical Checkup.

When the doctor examined her husband at the hospital, he asked Steve to paint a clock. Instead, he drew a few circles and then drew a few figures without any logic. It was not like a clock at all!.

The doctor pulled her aside and said: "Your husband is already on the verge of severe Alzheimer's disease!"

It turned out that it was a test of whether a person had Alzheimer's disease. Dr Mary was very upset at that time, but as a doctor, she would not just give up. She began to study the disease. She found out that Alzheimer's disease was associated with glucose deficiency in the brain. very simple reason and such a devastating and debilitating effect? 

Her research says: "The dementia of the elderly is like having diabetes in the head! Before one has the symptoms of diabetes or Alzheimer's disease, the body has already had problems for 10 to 20 years."

According to Dr Mary's study, Alzheimer's disease is very similar to Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The cause is also an insulin imbalance.

Because insulin has a problem, it prevents the brain cells from absorbing glucose. Glucose is the nutrition of brain cells. Without glucose, brain cells die.

As it turns out, these high-quality proteins are the cells that feed our body.

But nutrition for our brain cell is glucose. As long as we have mastered the source of these two kinds of food, we are the masters of our own health!

The next question is, where to find glucose? It cannot be the ready-made glucose that we buy from the store. It is not from fruits such as grapes. She started looking for alternatives.

The alternative nutrients for brain cells are ketones. Ketones are necessary for brain cells. Ketones cannot be found in vitamins.

*Coconut oil* contains triglycerides. After the triglycerides in *coconut oil* is consumed, it is metabolised into ketones in the liver. This is the alternative nutrient for brain cells!

After this scientific verification, Dr Mary added *coconut oil* to her husband's food. After only two weeks, when he went to the hospital again to do painting and clock tests, the progress was amazing.

Dr Mary said: "At that time, I thought, has God heard my prayers? Wouldn't it be coconut oil that worked? But there is no other way. Anyway, it's better to continue taking the*coconut oil*."

Dr Mary was now part of the traditional medical practice base. She clearly knew the capabilities of traditional medicine.

Three weeks later, the third time she took him to do a smart clock test, the performance was better than the last time. This progress was not only intellectual but also emotional and physical.

Dr Mary said: "He could not do his running but now he can run. He could not read for a year and a half, but he can read again now after taking *coconut oil* for three months."

Her husband's actions had already begun to change. He did not speak in the mornings. Now she noticed a lot of changes: "Now after he gets up, he is spirited, talking and laughing. He drinks water himself and takes utensils for himself on his own."

On the surface, these are very simple daily tasks, but only those who have come to the clinic or have demented relatives at home can experience the joy: It is not easy to see such progress!

After frying the greens & onions in coconut oil, making cakes with coconut, after taking 3 to 4 tablespoons of coconut oil per meal, 2-3 months later, the eyes too can now focus normally.

Her studies proved that *coconut oil* can really improve the problem of dementia in the elderly.

Apply *coconut oil* to bread. When coconut cream is used, the taste is unexpectedly good.

Young people can also use it for the maintenance of health and prevention and can improve if they have symptoms of dementia.

Dementia is caused because nutrients cannot be transported to brain cells, and nutrients must be passed from the body to the brain by insulin.

Especially for diabetic patients, it's not easy to get insulin secretion. “Nutrition cannot get to the brain. When brain cells are starved to death, they are deprived of intelligence.” resulting in dementia.

*Coconut oil* contains medium-chain triglyceride, which can supply nutrients to the brain without using insulin.

*So, it can improve Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease*.

ज़िन्दगी है छोटी, हर पल में खुश रहो ...

ऑफिस में खुश रहो, घर में खुश रहो ...

आज पनीर नहीं है , दाल में ही खुश रहो ...

आज जिम जाने का समय नहीं , दो कदम चल के ही खुश रहो ...

आज दोस्तों का साथ नहीं, टीवी देख के ही खुश रहो ...

घर जा नहीं सकते तो फ़ोन कर के ही खुश रहो ...

आज कोई नाराज़ है, उसके इस अंदाज़ में भी खुश रहो ...

जिसे देख नहीं सकते उसकी आवाज़ में ही खुश रहो ...

जिसे पा नहीं सकते उसकी याद में ही खुश रहो

Laptop न मिला तो क्या , Desktop में ही खुश रहो ...

बिता हुआ कल जा चूका है , उसकी मीठी यादों में ही खुश रहो ...

आने वाले पल का पता नहीं ... सपनो में ही खुश रहो ....