
Thursday, June 7, 2012



"A Profound Thought:
"Many Communication Problems between us arise because,
We have our own firm convictions & do not want to acknowledge what others have to say, Don't Listen Them to Understand their viewpoint. But We rather Listen to them critically and analytically only to fire a reply? at the first go ?

Most people struggle financially because they take advice from,
"salespeople, AND not rich people."

"If you carry old bricks from your past relationship
to your new one, you will build the same house
that fell apart before." for the same reasons?

“Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued
is always beyond our grasp,
but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.”

समंदर से कहे दो अपनी मौजो को संभाल कर रखे,
लोग ही काफी हे जिंदगी में तूफान लाने के लिए..
जिसे ऊपर उठना है वह सहारा ढूंढ ही लेता है
जिसे नीचे गिरना है वह बहाना ढूंढ ही लेता है

Nobody's born the same,
Nobody can stop the rain,
I can not change the way I am,
I never really tried,
God made me different and unique and
I never asked him why.
Threw out my differences and strife.
My main goal is to be strong in life.
I am different, I am strong,
I am wise and With confidence,
I will look fear in the eyes...of my detractors

I have reached a point in life where
I feel it is no longer necessary to try and impress anyone
If they like the way ,
I am, good, if they don't, it's their loss.

Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional.
Let this be a sign that you've got a big heart
and aren't afraid to let others see it.
Showing your emotions is a sign of strength.

"Anyone who isn't confused,
doesn't really understand the situation."

God sometimes removes ,
a person from your life ,
for your protection.
Don't run after them.

Throughout your life, you will meet one person who is unlike any other. You could talk to this person for hours and never get bored.
You could tell them things and they won't judge you.
This person is your soul mate and your best friend.
Don't ever let them go.

Relationships are harder now because conversations became texting,
arguments became phone calls,
feelings became subliminal messages,
sex became easy, the word "love"
is used out of context,
insecurities became a way of thinking,
getting jealous became a habit,
trust is hard to come by,
being hurt became natural &
leaving became the only option.
Sad but true, so if you have something ,
that's worth it..don't take it for granted,
fight for it & don't let it go.
~Lessons Learned In Life

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we've touched.
A soul connection is a resonance between ,
two people who respond to the essential,
the beauty of each other's individual natures,
behind their facades, and who connect on this deeper level.

This kind of mutual recognition ,
provides the catalyst for a potent alchemy.
It is a sacred alliance whose purpose,
is to help both partners discover and realize ,
their deepest potentials. 

While a heart connection lets us appreciate,
those we love just as they are,
a soul connection opens up a further dimension

-- seeing and loving them for who they could be,
and for who we could become under their influence.
This means recognizing that we both ,
have an important part to play , in helping each other,
become more fully who we are....
A soul connection not only inspires us ,
to expand, but also forces us to confront
whatever stands in the way of that expansion.
- marriages are also made the similar way ,
no patri or kundli can ever, match this individual capacity ,
to read and judge each other ??

Do you care enough to climb ?
over the walls that others ,
"build around their heart?

Some say It's Painful to...
Wait for Someone...
Some say It's Painful to ...
Forget Someone....
The Worst Pain Comes .
When you don't know,
Whether to Wait or Forget.. !

I thank all the people who entered my life..
.for all these 71 years.
for IT IS you who made me who I am today.

I thank all those who loved the extreme..
for you made my heart grow bigger.
to give me a heart attack

I thank all those who hated me...
for all my good deeds.
for you made me a stronger person.

I thank all those who cared for me..
.in my adversity .
for you made me feel important.

I thank all those who envied me....
and vowed to ditch me down .
for you helped my self-esteem grow.

I thank all those who
in the middle of the journey of my life,
.. for you showed me ......
that not everything is forever.

I thank all those also who stayed..
A little longer ...
for you showed me what true
friends are!!

Believe that God is in All of us.
We are All a Part of God.
Look not to the deities in the Sky,
but in Yourself for Help.
For only then will You receive,
God's True Aid. Look in ,
Your children's Eyes and
Remember that all is not Lost.
Remember to be Like a Child,
when Everything else is Just,
too Much. Play, Dance, and,
Laugh with Children and ,
You will feel God's arms Around You.!

Laughter & with Tears.
Let Tears take out all the Agony,
that is hidden in side you , and
let Laughter Ignite your Contagious JOY !!!

MATURITY is the ability to REAP,
without apology & not complain,
when things don't go well !!!

You Don't Love someone for their Looks,
their clothes or their fancy car....

Trust yourself and believe that,
you can create whatever you want...
instead of focusing on the times.
when you failed in the past...
think of the times you were loved,
appreciated and respected.
Know that you deserve love and joy.!!

Love your parents and treat them ,
with loving care...For you will only know,
their value, when you see their empty chair.!!!!!!!!

Eyes are the windows to your Soul.
When the heart is full the eyes overflow….
Fill them up with Love & Light !!

Everynight, we go to bed without any,
assurance of being alive the next morning,
but still... we set the alarm to wake up.
That's called HOPE. !!Against HOPES ?

And then see the difference in your own attitudes and feelings

When you have to make a hard decision, Flip a coin.
Why? Because when that coin is in the air,
you suddenly know what you’re,
hoping for in your mind ?:)

“The love wich you go in search of
may expect a lot of things from you”
But, ”The love that comes your way,
expects nothing more than You:-)


I was smiling yesterday,
I am smiling today and
I will smile tomorrow .
Simply because life is too
short to cry for anything. !!

Learn to get in touch with the silence
within yourself, and know that everything
in life has a purpose. There are no mistakes,
no coincidences, all events are blessings
, given to us to learn from.!!

Heart Melting Story: Which only A mother can write ?
A Woman was Admitted in Hospital
as She was Suffering from Brain Tumor..:(

Her Son & Relatives were Around Her,
... She Died within a few Hours..:'(

Her Son Cried the whole Day & Became Ill.
He Returnd Home the Next Day;
& When He Opened His Moms Cupboard, to seek some solace !
He found some Tablets kept (wrapped) in a Letter,!!
In the Letter it was Written:
I know YOU Catch Cold Easily after Crying..[:'( :(


Friday, April 20, 2012



Parsley – 
One of Nature’s Most Potent Vitamin Pills/Sprigs
Everyone needs a couple of parsley plants growing in pots or their garden. Eating a sprig of parsley a day fresh from the pot will contribute to abundant health of your whole body while vamping up energy and bounce to your day.

Parsley’s high iron content is fantastic for anaemia and fatigue as it is also high in Vitamin C which is needed by the body to assist in the absorption of iron. The high vitamin C content, beta carotene, B12, chlorophyll and essential fatty acid content makes parsley a powerful immune booster. 

It is an excellent addition for heart health as it dissolves cholesterol within the veins, is a blood purifier and rejuvenates and strengthens blood vessels while maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels. Parsley also helps improve digestion. Diuretic parsley can assist in the treatment of oedema. Parsley can be used for gout, dissolving gallstones and glandular support of the liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands.

For Hormonal support in women, parsley can improve oestrogen and nourish and restore the blood of the uterus. Women may also find relief of symptoms such as irritability, depression and hair loss which are associated with PMS and menopause. Parsley may also assist in regulating the menstrual cycle.

Parsley is a powerful remedy for the kidney and rejuvenates the liver. Except in severe kidney inflammation, parsley can help eliminate wastes from the blood and tissues. It has also been beneficial in strengthening the spleen (particularly parsley root), assist with stomach problems and strengthen loose teeth.

Parsley is also a good source of protein, magnesium, boron, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, inositol, vitamin B12, and sulphur.

Honey for Heart Health,

Calm, and Cleansing For thousands of years, honey was used as an antibacterial. That was until the onset of new bacterial drugs appearing on the market took over. However, we are thankfully relearning of kinds of honey powerful properties for good health.

Bastyr Centre for Natural Health website mentions a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food (2004;1:100-7) where it was found that eating honey can lower the risk of heart disease. This article also mentions that some studies have suggested that eating honey can reduce blood levels of some markers that are linked to an increased risk of heart disease.
Honey is an antibacterial with enzymes, amino acids, pigments, pollen, wax, and traces of nutrients from both bees and plants.

Other benefits of honey:
• Has a calming effect on the mind
• Promotes sleep
• Helps indigestion
• Helps to disinfect and heal minor skin wounds and chapped lips
• Appears to lower C-reactive protein
• Assists in the rapid healing of burns
• May have less impact on blood glucose, insulin, and lipid levels compared to glucose
• Is increasingly showing promise as an aid in rapidly clearing infection, swelling and pain and inflammation

Replace your sugar with raw organic honey. Why keep using a substance which has consistently shown to be detrimental to health when you can switch to a much more healthy alternative and further improves your health.
Coconut water!
Health Benefits of Coconut Water - Coconut Water Benefits
Drinking coconut water has many benefits. Coconut Water is naturally:
Low in Carbs
99% Fat-Free
Low in sugars

Coconut water contains organic compounds possessing healthy growth promoting properties that have been known to help

Keep the body cool and at the proper temperature.
Orally re-hydrate your body, it is an all-natural isotonic beverage.
Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells.
Naturally, replenish your body's fluids after exercising.
Raise your metabolism.
Promote weight loss.
Boost your immune system.
Detoxify and fight viruses.
Cleanse your digestive tract.
Control of diabetes.
Aid your body in fighting viruses that cause the flu, herpes, and AIDS.
Balance your PH and reduce the risk of cancer.
Treat kidney and urethral stones.
Boost poor circulation.

Honey...As all-round Amazing medicine  
Awesome Natural Remedies with Honey
Flu, Colds & Cough Medicine – Honey and lemon juice sipped several times a day.
Cuts & Burns – Apply Honey.

Hangover – Weak solution of black tea mixed with honey 2-3 times a day or eat honey on toast.

Energy Drink & Afternoon Fatigue – 2-3 teaspoons of honey in a glass of water sprinkled with cinnamon powder. Or, mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to 1 glass of water. Drink daily for one week for a real boost!
Pain Relief – 3 tablespoons of honey in hot or boiled water and drink.

Anxiety, Insomnia and Nervous Tension - 1 tablespoon of honey at dinner. Or, mix and store 3 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar to 1 cup of honey. Take 2 teaspoons of this mixture before bed.

Impotence – Take 2 tablespoons of honey before bed.
Burns – Apply to burn, cover with a soft bandage.
Asthma – 1 teaspoon of honey with ½ teaspoon cinnamon just before going to bed.

Allergies, Headaches & Stuffy Nose – chew on honeycomb.
Constipation – 2 teaspoons of honey 3 times a day
Nappy Rash, Eczema and Itchy Skin – Apply a thin layer of honey are washing the area with oatmeal (1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 1 cup of water).
Bee Stings – Apply honey!

WARNING! Never give honey to an infant under 12 months.

Turmeric – Cleanse the Body, aid Weight Loss, enhance Health Heath and Digestion and much more!

Turmeric is revered in Ayurvedic medicine due to its many healing properties. This potent spice helps cleanse the liver, purify the blood and promote good digestion and elimination. 

The principal component of turmeric is curcumin that has anti-inflammatory qualities and is an antioxidant booster to combat viral infections, cancer and arthritis. Turmeric is also said to help boost appetite, improve cell health, lower blood pressure, help prevent stomach irritations, improve bile secretion and reduce pain.

Under the Ayurvedic system of healing, turmeric has been prescribed to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive issues, menstrual problems, arthritis, infections, jaundice, coughs and rheumatic pains. It is also used to cleanse the body. In Traditional Chinese medicine, turmeric is used to deal with liver and gallbladder issues.

When the liver is working at optimum levels, it filters as much as 2 litres of blood per minute but the liver works best when bile production is increased. This is where Turmeric is highly beneficial as it stimulates the production of bile which enhances the liver's ability to cleanse and detoxify.

Turmeric is an excellent heart health herb that aids in the prevention and/or healing of inflammation. Turmeric has the ability to clean the blood which is essential to heart health and can help to rejuvenate tissues. It is also an excellent aid in supporting the liver.

Curcumin, an active component of Turmeric has reportedly been found to aid in the prevention of blood clots and also protect against blood cholesterol rise from eating fatty foods. Always check this with your doctor first for permission to include with any health issues.
Can be added to smoothies, salads and cooking.

Walnuts and the brain...


THE gnarled folds of a walnut mimic the appearance of a human brain - and provide a clue to the benefits. Walnuts are the only nuts which contain significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. They may also help head off dementia. An American study found that walnut extract broke down the protein-based plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease. 

Researchers at Tufts University in Boston found walnuts reversed some signs of brain ageing in rats. Dr James Joseph, who headed the study, said walnuts also appear to enhance signalling within the brain and encourage new messaging links between brain cells.

A new disease among younger females found working in big companies. I am sure by 2025, 25 lacs for women, will be the rate of losing life every year due to smoking alone.

Tomatoes for health...
Tomatoes for Prostate and Heart Heath
When a tomato is cut in half, it has four chambers which also resembles the four chambers of the heart. It looks like the heart and we associate the colour red to the colour of the heart.

 It is now known that tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene (which is the Latin for red foods) and supports the heart and blood vessels while lowering cholesterol – but it is the synergy of the other hundreds of nutritional components which adds to the tomatoes potency that works with lycopene thus increases its effectiveness.

Population studies suggest that men who consume higher quantities of tomatoes than the average person have up to 40 per cent less chance of developing prostate cancer.
Tomatoes (and other good quality tomato products) are an excellent source of potassium, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate. Vitamin B6 and folate are both needed by the body to convert the potentially dangerous chemical called homocysteine (which may damage blood vessel walls and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke) into other, benign molecules.

Richer Life Today's Tip

It's time to make exercise an important lifestyle change. Exercise helps control weight; when you exercise you burn calories. If time is limited, take the stairs, park further, and add a few steps every chance you get. 

Do simple exercises in your bedroom, in the morning, or at night before you go to sleep. Perform sit-ups, pushups, crunches, bicycle kicks, and leg raises--anything to get you moving and get your heart rate up for more than 15 minutes. 

Regular physical activity can help prevent and manage a wide variety of health issues. It can reduce your chance of developing hypertension and Type II diabetes, and it can help fight certain types of cancer, depression, stroke, and heart disease.


According to the world health organization::

1. No Breakfast - 

People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration !!

2. Overeating -

 It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power !!

3. Smoking - 

It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease !!

4. High Sugar consumption - 

Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development !!

5. Air Pollution - 

The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency !!

6. Sleep Deprivation -

 Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells !!

7. Head covered while sleeping -

 Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease the concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain-damaging effects !!

8. Working your brain during illness -

 Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the brain !!

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts -

 Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage !!

10. Talking Rarely - 

Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain !!

The imagined sense of being a separate ‘I’ is the source of all problems.
Because the ‘I’ as thought is really very intangible, all types of other ideas get wrapped around it,
in order to give it some semblance of solidity.
All the self-definitions, identities and apparent conditioning hinge on the unexamined sense of ‘I’.

Almonds are also good at cakes.
Almonds – Magic for Beautealth
Other benefits include help in improving anaemia, impotency, and diabetes. It is also a great aid in ensuring healthy hair. Both almond oil and milk massaged into the skin can encourage healthy-looking skin and tone.
Almonds many nutrients are essential for Healthy Brains and is said to help induce a high intellectual level. Growing children may have a head start in brain development if given this essential food item.
Several studies have reported Almonds to have potent heart-healthy properties. Only ¼ cup of almonds contains nearly 25 per cent of your needed daily intake of magnesium. This is important when it comes to heart disease as it has been found that heart attack patients have consistently low levels of this vital mineral. Almonds are one of the best nuts for lowering cholesterol and clearing arteries. They have a high fibre content which may help with constipation and also be responsible for assisting in the prevention of colon cancer.

Almonds are also rich potassium, manganese, copper, the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium, and calcium. In fact, a quarter cup of almonds has almost as much calcium as a quarter cup of milk.
by: y, Healthy Heart and Brain H

Thursday, April 19, 2012



ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ        ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹਿ
History of Vaisakhi 

Religious persecution under Aurangzeb A younger son of Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb, seized the Gaddi (Throne) of the Mughal Empire from his brother Dara Shikoh, arrested his father and took the Imperial name of Alamgir I (seizer of the Universe, besting his father who had styled himself Grabber of the World) in 1657.

His coming to the throne had been costly for his family members, now it would become a disaster for the people of India and those who dared to challenge his policy of religious persecution as he set in motion the process of the Islamization of India.

The Brahmins were his primary target but he reinstated the unethical religious tax, that Akbar had ended, on the Hindus. Their temples and places of learning were shut, torn down and often replaced with Masjids, often built from the stones of the Hindu Temples.

He had been convinced by the powerful ulama, whom his predacessors had largely ignored, that once the highly respected Brahmins of Kashmir accepted Islam, the Hindus of all castes would then follow suit.

1675: The fight against subversion
The Brahmins of Kashmir were given an ultimatum— convert or die. Thoughts of death, rape and torture for themselves and loved ones weighed heavily on their minds. When the time allotted for their answer was almost up, they looked for a dynamic leader to help in their fight against subversion.

The Kashmiri Brahmins, led by Pandit Kirpa Ram sought the intervention of Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Nanak or preceptor of the Sikh religion —

 THE Dasvin Patishah or Guru, in his new city, near the ruins of ancient Makhowal, — today's Anandpur Sahib. They asked him for guidance on combating the atrocities being committed by the Mughal Emperor.

At the time of their meeting, Guru Tegh Bahadur's nine year old son, Gobind Rai, was sitting beside him. As Guru Tegh Bahadur was deep in contemplation, thinking of the problem, his young son asked the reason of his concern. Guru Tegh Bahadur said that the matter was of vital importance; the world is aggrieved by oppression; and no brave man had yet come forward who was willing to sacrifice his life to free the earth from the burden of Aurangzeb's persecution.

Young Gobind Rai replied, "For that purpose who is more worthy than you my father." So after entrusting the Guruship to Gobind Rai, Guru Tegh Bahadur and several of his Sikhs proceeded to Delhi, the seat of the Mughal Empire. But, before reaching Delhi, the Guru and his loyal attendants were arrested and put in chains by 
the agents of the Mughal Ruler Aurangzeb.

The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur

While in prison, Guru Tegh Bahadur foresaw the beginning of his ecclesiastic journey. To test his son's courage and capability to carry on the Guru's mission, he wrote him saying,

"My strength is exhausted, I am in chains and I can make not any efforts.
Says Nanak, God alone is now my refuge. He will help me as He did his Saints." In reply young Guru Gobind Rai wrote: "I have regained my Power, my bonds are broken and all options are open unto me. 

Nanak, everything is in Thine hands. It is only Thou who can assist Thyself."
Guru Teg Bahadur offered his life for the freedom of all, not just his own group of Sikhs, but for those of another religion to be able to freely choose when, where and how they would hold their worship. 

His spirit of sacrifice and courage kindled a similar spirit in the heart of young Gobind Rai.
It was November 11, hundreds of people had gathered around Chandini Chowk where Guru Tegh Bahadur was martyred in Delhi. The executioner left the Guru's severed head and body to lie where they had fallen. In fear of a sudden sand storm he had run for shelter. 

No one stood up to claim the body of the fallen Guru or his companions who had died tortured deaths before his eyes. Who would perform the religious rites of these brave men. Even the most ardent disciples withdrew, unrecognized.

But, taking advantage of the stormy weather one man, a member of the Mazhabis, managed to take the severed head of Tegh Bahadur to his family back in Anandpur where the appropriate rites were given the noble Guru. 

Another man, assisted by his sons, secreted the Guru's body away before it would surely be quartered or hung on display by Aurangzeb's minions.
They used their humble home as the Guru's secret funeral pyre, as any proper cremation would have brought down the wrath of the frustrated Aurangzeb on their heads. Aurangzeb had lost in this challenge to his plans--for Guru Tegh Bahadur had endured all of the tortures and lures that the mighty Aurangzeb could muster, niether he or any of his companions had taken the easier road and abandoned their religion and principles.

Gobind Rai would now seek to endow each of his Sikhs with the iron will and fortitude of his father. For the moment the Pandits were safe, but Guru Gobind Rai now worked to prepare his Sikhs for the coming storm.

1675– : Guru Gobind Rai leads the moral struggle

With the criteria of courage and strength to sacrifice, Gobind Rai became the tenth Sikh Guru. He wanted to instill these principles in his downtrodden followers. He wanted to uplift their morale to combat the evil forces of injustice, tyranny, and oppression.

Every year at the time of Baisakhi (springtime), thousands of devotees would come to Anandpur to pay their obeisance and seek the Guru's blessings.

1699: Guru Gobind Rai (Singh) establishes the Khalsa

A depiction of Guru Gobind Singh initiating the first five members of the Khalsa Woodcut, Amritsar or Lahore, about 1874-5

Guru Gobind Rai was 33 years old when he had Divine inspiration to actuate his designs. In early 1699, months before Baisakhi Day, Guru Gobind Rai sent special edicts to congregations far and wide telling all the Sangats that that year's Baisakhi was going to be a unique affair. He asked them not to cut any of their hair — to come with unshorn hair under their turbans and chunis, and for the men to come with full beards.

On Baisakhi Day, March 30, 1699,  hundreds of thousands of people gathered around his divine temporal seat at Anandpur Sahib. The Guru addressed the congregants with a most stirring oration on his divine mission of restoring their faith and preserving the Sikh religion. 

After his inspirational discourse, he flashed his unsheathed sword and said that every great deed was preceded by an equally great sacrifice: Then calling out to the assembled crowd, 'My sword is hungry for a head', He demanded one head for oblation.

After some trepidation one person offered himself for the Guru's 'great sacrifice'. The Guru took him inside a tent. A little later the Guru came out of the tent, his sword dripping with fresh blood only to ask for another head. One by one four more earnest devotees offered their heads.

Every time the Guru took a person inside the tent, he came out with his sword dripping fresh blood.Thinking their Guru had gone mad and afraid He would ask for more heads some of the congregation started to disperse when suddenly the Guru emerged with all five men dressed piously in white and in a new ceromony that changed the way that one became a Sikh the Guru now initiated the five into a new and unique order of Sikhs.

The ceremony was called pahul, what Sikhs today know as the baptism ceremony or Amrit Shakna. Then the Guru asked the first five Khalsa Sikhs to baptise him, in the same manner. He then proclaimed that the Panj Pyare -- the Five Beloved Ones -- would be the embodiment of the Guru himself:

"Where there are Panj Pyare, there am I. When the Five meet, they are the holiest of the holy."And so, as it was carried out on that historic day, the ceremony of Pahul continues to this day.

The important thing to remember about that day is that the five volunteers and the whole sangat thought or were "under the impression" that the five Sikhs were really walking to their deaths--being killed, one by one. The Sikhs who volunteered, had demonstrated their willingness to give their heads--in the same way that Guru Tegh Bahadur had done that day in Delhi.

The Guru's bit of showmanship, his seemingly--all to real test, was performed to prove the devotion and dedication of his Sikhs. Those who were ready to give themselves up to their Guru were the bravest and most devoted. These brave men had unkowningly chosen to be part of a new paanth - the Khalsa Panth. Guru ji joined the Khalsa Panth after his devoted Sikhs - the initiator becoming the initiated. Today, as then, they lead the Khalsa alongside the Guru:
"Where there are Panj Pyare, there am I…"
1699 Amrit Sanchaar

He said whenever and wherever five baptised (Amritdhari) Sikhs come together, the Guru would be present. All those who receive Amrit from five baptized Sikhs will be infused with the spirit of courage and strength to sacrifice. Thus with these principles he established Panth Khalsa, the Order of the Pure Ones.

At the same time the Guru gave his new Khalsa a unique, indisputable, and distinct identity. The Guru gave the gift of bana, the distinctive Sikh clothing and headwear. He also offered five emblems of purity and courage. These symbols, worn by all baptised Sikhs of both sexes, are popularly known today as Five Ks: Kesh, unshorn hair; Kangha, the wooden comb; Karra, the iron (or steel) bracelet; Kirpan, the sword; and Kachera, the underwear. By being identifiable, no Sikh could never hide behind cowardice again.

Political tyranny was not the only circumstance that was lowering peoples' morale. Discriminatory class distinctions (--the Indian "caste" system--) promoted by Brahmins and Mullahs was also responsible for the peoples' sense of degradation. The Guru wanted to eliminate the anomalies caused by the caste system.

The constitution of the Panj Pyare was the living example of his dream: both the high and low castes were amalgamated into one. Among the original Panj Pyare, there was one Khatri, shopkeeper; one Jat, farmer; one Chhimba, calico printer/tailor; one Ghumar, water-carrier; and one Nai, a barber. The Guru gave the surname of Singh (Lion) to every Sikh and also took the name for himself. From Guru Gobind Rai he became Guru Gobind Singh.

He also pronounced that all Sikh women embody royalty, and gave them the surname Kaur (Princess). With the distinct Khalsa identity and consciousness of purity Guru Gobind Singh gave all Sikhs the opportunity to live lives of courage, sacrifice, and equality.

The birth of the Khalsa is celebrated by Sikhs every Vaisakhi Day on April 13. Vaisakhi 1999 marks the 300th anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh's gift of Panth Khalsa to all Sikhs everywhere.

WAHEGURU is a collection of two words... WAHE + GURU."WAHE" means AMAZING (WAH-WAH) and

Word GURU itself is also combination of two words GU + RU.
Both "GU" AND "RU" are Persian words."GU" means "Darkness" and "RU" means "Light"...
So WAHEGURU collectively means