
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MY INSTINCTS & FEELINGS: If you love or respect a person, you need to express and show it clearly

MY INSTINCTS & FEELINGS: If you love or respect a person, you need to express and show it clearly

If you love or respect a person, you need to express and show it clearly

 The great english poet " JOHN DONNE" once said  "Death you be not proud of your self? ,you are  not the greatest loss in life .but a peaceful transition from sound sleep which relieves us from our stale life." when we sleep during night  and we enjoy every bit of it, even if it is for few hours, then how death could be painful which is a long uninterrupted sleep for ever? , He had held, that death was more meaningful than mere sleep.

 However The greatest loss which a human being suffers in his life time is when his Relationship with others around him  expires , while still  being alive. His brothers ,sisters ,friends start retreating away from him for one or the other reason? it would be very wise to Respect each Relationship with utmost care and deep concern..

 Remember BELL has No SOUND Till Someone RINGS it. SONG has No TUNE Till Someone SINGS it. So never Hide your FEELINGS,Unexpressed & unspoken words  have no effect at all .Be not Shy in expressing your Feelings to Loved ones if U want Relationships to be practically stable, no body has the time to read your mind "whether you love or hate him"? 
Never take any thing for granted ,every relationship once made has to be nurtured with regular connect and appreciations ,howsoever deep or close that may be !

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My independence day in india

मुझे आजाद हुए ६३ साल हो गए हैं , पर मेरा देश अभी भी कुछ भृष्ट लोगो  के कब्जे में है और आजादी के लिये तड़प रहा है? , है कोई महात्मा गाँधी इस दुनिया में जो इस भरष्टाचार को भी जड़ से मिटा सके ,और देश को इन गद्दारों से मुक्ति दिला सके ,
कोम्मोन्वेअल्थ  खेलों के लिए दिये गए ३६०००.०० crores ,अपने 
 फायेदे के लिये ,गबन कर लिये हैं ,सारा पैसा लूट कर देश को नंबर  one चोर की कतार में ला खड़ा  किया है 