
Thursday, February 25, 2016

LEGAL -- TANGLES IN INDIA .................................................................................................................................52



In this very charged atmosphere, it may be useful to keep in mind what a Bench of Hon’ble Supreme Court (Justices Doraiswamy Raju, Arijit Pasayat) in the celebrated case of ‘Nazir Khan and others vs the State Of Delhi’ in its judgment delivered on 22 August 2003 [reported in 2003(8) SCC 461] had to say on sedition.

“124A. Sedition —Whoever, by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards, the Government established by law in India, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, to which fine may be added, or with imprisonment which may extend to three years, to which fine may be added, or with fine.

Explanation 1— The expression "disaffection" includes disloyalty and all feelings of enmity.

Explanation 2— Comments expressing disapprobation of the measures of the Government with a view to obtaining their alteration by lawful means, without exciting or attempting to excite hatred, contempt or disaffection, do not constitute an offence under this section.

Explanation 3 — Comments expressing disapprobation of the administrative or other action of the Government without exciting or attempting to excite hatred, contempt or disaffection, do not constitute an offence under this section.”

After quoting Section 124A IPC (reproduced above), the Hon’ble Judges proceeded to opine as under: -

“Section 124A deals with 'Sedition'. Sedition is a crime against society nearly allied to that of treason, and it frequently precedes treason by a short interval. Sedition in itself is a comprehensive term, and it embraces all those practices, whether by word, deed, or writing, which are calculated to disturb the tranquillity of the State and lead ignorant persons to endeavour to subvert the Government and laws of the country. The objects of sedition generally are to induce discontent and insurrection, and stir up opposition to the Government, and bring the administration of justice into contempt, and the very tendency of sedition is to incite the people to insurrection and rebellion. "Sedition has been described as disloyalty in action, and the law considers as sedition all those practices which have for their object to excite discontent or dissatisfaction, to create a public disturbance, or to lead to civil war; to bring into hatred or contempt the Sovereign or the Government, the laws or constitutions of the realm, and generally all endeavours to promote public disorder.”

It is now for Hon’ble Courts to decide on conduct or lack thereof in relation to recent events

Monday, January 4, 2016

EASY LIFE health Tips >>>>>>>>>...............................................................................................................................53

                EASY LIFE HEALTH TIPS 


Benefits Of Tomato:
RICH in VITAMIN C, A, D, K calcium, iron,
phosphorus, Potassium,
Calories (20), manganese, copper, folate.
1- Lycopene content in TOMATO -- is a vital anti-oxidant that helps in the fight against cancerous cell formation as well as other kinds of health complications and diseases.

2- Prevents from HEART diseases and High
Cholesterol LEVELS

3- Cancers such as prostate cancer, cervical
cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and cancers of the stomach, mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus have all been proven to be staved off by high levels of Lycopene.

4- Improves skin texture and colour.

5- Good blood purifier

6- Prevents congestion of Liver and dissolving

7- Acts as an antiseptic for infections


9- Reduces BLOOD CLOTS

10- Maintains Bone health

11- Good source of riboflavin, which has been
shown to be helpful for reducing the frequency of MIGRAINE attacks in those who suffer from them

12- Good intake of chromium, a mineral of which
tomatoes are a good source, has been shown to help diabetic patients keep their blood sugar levels under control.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

SHRI GURU NANAK DEV JI : 10102018 ........................................................................................................................54

ਸ਼੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਵ ਜੀ ਦੀ ਵਾਨੀ 


*.जन्म स्थानः राये भौंए की तलवण्डी,ननकाणा साहिब(पाकिस्तान)
*.माता जी का नामः माता तृप्ता जी
*.पिता जी का नामः महता कालू जी
*.बहिन का नामः नानकी जी
*.विवाह कब हुआः1487
*.पत्नी का नामः सुलखनी जी (सुलक्षनी देवी जी)
*.कितनी सन्तान थीः दो पुत्र*
.सन्तानों का नामः 1. श्रीचन्द जी2. लखमीदास जी
*.बड़े पुत्र श्रीचन्द का जन्म कब हुआः1494
*.छोटे पुत्र लक्ष्मीदास का जन्म कब हुआः1496
*.अध्यापकों के नामः गोपाल दास,बृजलाल,मौलवी कुतुबददीन
*.कितनी प्रचार यात्राएँ(उदासियाँ)कीः4यात्राएँ
*.पहली प्रचार यात्रा कब कीः1497
*.दूसरी प्रचार यात्रा कब कीः1511
*.तीसरी प्रचार यात्रा कब कीः1516
*.चौथी प्रचार यात्रा कब कीः1518
*.गीता का पाठ कितनी उम्र में सुनाया थाः8वर्ष
*.पहली उदासीः सनातनी हिन्दू धार्मिक केन्द्रों की ओर
*.दूसरी उदासीः बौद्ध धार्मिक केन्द्रों की ओर
*.तीसरी उदासीः योगियों और नाथों के धार्मिक केन्द्रों की ओर
*.चौथी उदासीः इस्लामी धार्मिक केन्द्रों की ओर
*.गुरबाणी का बीज बोया
*.एक ओंकार की स्तुति
*.संगत-पंगत की स्थापना
*.गुरू परम्परा की शुरूआत
*.परमात्मा का नाम जपने को ही सच्ची आरती बताया।
*.मुख्य बाणीः श्री जपुजी साहिब जी(पाँच बाणी के पाठ में शामिल है)
*.बहिन नानकी के पति(जीजा)का नामः जैराम
*.बाणी में योगदानः974शबद19रागों में*.
मूलमँत्र के कर्ताधर्ता
*.दूसरा गुरू किसे बनायाः भाई लहणा(श्री गुरू अंगद देव जी)
*.सबसे पहले संगत या गुरूद्वारे की स्थापना श्री करतारपुर साहिब जी में की।
*.भाई मरदाना जी हर समय इनके साथ ही रहते थे।
*.सबसे पहला मिशनरी केन्द्र(मन्जी)भाई लालो के घर में जो कि पश्चिम पँजाब में है,स्थापित किया था।
*.उस पर्वत का नाम जहां पर सिद्धों से गोष्ठि हुई थीः कैलाश(सुमेर पर्वत)
*.सिद्धों के संवाद गुरबाणी में किस नाम से दर्शाए गए हैः सिद्ध गोष्ठि
*.किस शासक के समकालीन थेः बाबर
*.गुरू जी अपनी प्रचार यात्रा के दौरान जब गोरखमत्ता पहुँचे तो वहाँ के योगियों ने उस स्थान का नाम नानक मत्ता ही रख दिया।
*.कौनसा नगर बसायाः श्री करतारपुर साहिब जी
*.जोती-जोत कब समाएः1539
*.जोती जोत कहाँ समाएः श्री करतारपुर साहिब जी श्री गुरू नानक देव जी