- शाम को परिंदों की तरह घर लौट आता मुन्तजिर अगर कोई हमारा भी होता , चाँद तारों की जरुरत भी किसे थी ,? बस रौशनी के लिए एक सितारा ही काफी होता , हम में ही शायद कोई कमी थी , वरना ज़रूर कोई हमारा भी होता ?? सारी दुनिया की तमना किस को थी ? हम ने तो चाहा था , बस इतना कि वो शख्स सिर्फ हमारा होता ??
What is this life all about ? it is yet a big question mark ? we are born to our parents out of their sexual wedlock, they never knew if it would be a boy or a girl , but still I came into this world.
I shall also be traversing the same paths , i shall go to play school first then to big schools and then further to a professional. college?
As I grow older and older . my marriage with a person of social standing shall be solemnized, this is how another branch-let of our family will start and so on , I shall also have kids and again their marriage and their children, but I did not get any answer to my quest of life?