
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

26th ,January, 2011

                 "Never Play With The" Feelings Of Others whom you want to retain as yours for ever"
                   Because by applying tricks with him ,You May Win The Game but not him/her
                   But on the other,The gravest Risk Is "That You Will Surely Loose
                   The Person For ever in your Life Time".

                           "The world is suffering a lot. now a days, Not because of
                           the violence of bad people,called terrorists or illegal money racketeers?
                           But surely we do suffer huge stakes of mental peace and security, because of   the                            silence of good people!"


                           "I am thankful to all those who said" NO" and showed NO interest in  me,when  I                            really needed their support in my life,but I hold them in high esteem now!
                           Its ,Because of them that "I learned to do  it myself.." and stood on my own feet                                     even  taller than them?

                           Abraham Lincoln.........
                           "If friendship is your weakest point in your life,and you have the courage to do                               any thing for your friends?
                           you are the strongest person ever found
                           in the world"

                           "Laughing smiling Faces always" Do Not Mean That There Is
                           Absence Of Sorrow!
                           But It Means That They Have The Ability To
                           Deal With It" better than others ?.

                           William Arthur.........
                           "Opportunities Are Like Sunrises in your life, If You
                           Wait Too Long You  will find your selves amidst darkest  nights of your careers.                             You are likely to Miss Them rest of your life in vain ".

                          Hitler....was a ruthless leader but he realized in hard days of his life that: .
                           "When You Are In The Light, Everything else
                           Follows You,
                           But When Your life Enters Into The Dark phase,  forget about your staunch                                followers Even Your Own Shadow Doesn't Follow You."

                 "Coin Always Makes Sound But The Currency
                  Notes Are Always Silent.  So When Your Value Increases
                  Keep Yourself Calm & Silent"to retain GRACE OF YOUR VALUE "

                  Dr Abdul Kalaam........
                "It Is Very Easy To Defeat Someone, But on the cotrary" It
                Is Very Hard To Win Some"

Manmohan singh the worthy priminister of India is deliberately keeping Mum because he is niether running the Government nor the Swiss Banks , He is as calm as ever ? He worked for World Bank and not for small notorious swiss banks who are keeping all sorts of crime money in their chests from all over the world ? & refuse to divulge details of account holders? Mr Asange of wiki-leaks will any way do it ! but he stands a risk of being killed by these account holders >

Sunday, March 6, 2011

26th ,January, 2011

Working hard brings the desired result in our life ,every drop of sweat drenching our body, at our young age, will multiply our comforts & reduce tears in our old age. To err is human but: if it is done once,it is called mistake?second is stupidity, if still continuing with committing mistakes THEN IT IS A BAD HABIT worst than committing Suicide ????? 

ALways love and respect the person who brought you in this world?(YOUR MOTHER) and devote your maximum of time and energy in promoting persons who have been brought in this world BY YOU ONLY.(YOUR FAMILY )

Friday, March 4, 2011

हिसाब किताब , रखने का "आसान तरीका "KEEP YOUR ACCOUNTS FOOL PROOF ------ NO AUDITS REQUIRED.?

नई नई शादी हुई थी , पति ने पत्नी से कहा :-हमारे कमरे की जो अलमारी है न ? उसमे एक दराज मेरा होगा ! जिसे तुम भी खोल कर कभी नहीं देखोगी . मैं उस पर अपना लाक लगा कर रखूँगा .
पत्नी ने कोई इतराज नहीं किया और ख़ुशी से एक दराज अपने पति को ताला लगाने दिया , पति ने उसमे अपना सामान रखना शुरू कर दिया , सब कुछ ठीक ठाक चलता रहा .
 तीस साल बीत गए ,अचानक एक दिन पत्नी ने देखा की आज दराज का ताला , पति लगाना भूल गए हैं ,उसने उसमे झांक कर देखा तो पाया की उसमे " तीन गोल्फ की बाल्स और सिर्फ १०००/- रुपए नकद थे "

पति के लोटने पर उसने दराज खोल कर दिखाते हुए कहा " यह क्या रखा है इसमें , गोल्फ बाल्स ?" इसी के लिए तुम इसे लाक कर के रखते थे ? पति ने खुद को संभालते हुए बोला " दरअसल यह बाल्स मैंने अपनी महिला मित्रों की गिनती रखने के लिए रखी हैं ,"मैं जब भी अपनी किसी महिला मित्र के साथ घुमने जाता था तो लोट कर एक बाल दराज में डाल देता था " तीन गोल्फ बाल्स देख कर पत्नी बड़ी खुश हुई की चलो पिच्छले तीस सालों में उसके पति ने सिर्फ तीन बार बेवफाई की ?

पत्नी :-लेकिन यह १०००/रुपे सिर्फ ?
पति ने कुछ सोचते हुए बोला :- शायद जब बाल्स काफी हो जाती थी न , दराज भर जाती थी , तो मै बाल्स को १२/- रुपए दर्जन के हिसाब से बेच देता था , यह उसी के पैसे हैं , मैंने अभी तक हिसाब ही  नहीं जोड़ा था 1

राजेंद्र नागपाल