
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Final STATEMENT & the DECLARATION * Ms.Sudha Kumar* Wife of Gagan Deep Singh


PERSONAL STATEMENT-DECLARATION -OF compelling CIRCUMSTANCES' FOR, I seek asylum in the United States

My Maiden name ( Before Marriage ) was Sudha Taluja "
which is shown on my school Marksheets )For the sake of brevity and convenience I continue to use Kumar my husband's family name) Though My husband uses only Singh even after my marriage except that post my marriage Singh has been added to my name

I was Born on August,21,1971. My husband's name is Gagan Deep Singh. I lived with my husband in New Delhi India before coming to the USA. I arrived in New York along with my husband, on April 26, 2024, on our B-1, B-2 Ten-year Multiple Entry Visa to the USA on our Indian Passport ๐Ÿ›‚ flew straight from Delhi Airport, to New York.

This is my second visit to the USA; First I visited the USA during the year 2004, with My husband on a business exploration cum pleasure trip between May 31st -- June 22nd, 2004

My qualifications are:-

Bachelor of Arts (BA Pass) from the University of Delhi in the year 1992 ( I have enclosed my  Marksheet 

Certificates of my Higher secondary school Passing out also enclosed 

RECENT-Underlying issues/ THREATS that are instilling fear in our lives.
I still remember a complete narration of riots my husband told me after our marriage about how his younger sister was sent to hide on the first floor of our landlord's house to escape the goons who were trying to burn everything that could put their hands on hand, and we also had friends hiding under cots/Beds and cupboards in our house.

When everything fell into place,
we somehow started living our lives, completed our studies in Delhi and settled down in life by marrying Gagan Deep Singh (my spouse). I was living comfortably having our jobs and personal home business with our house and stock trading in New Delhi

 I also worked with an Indian MNC. , Fiem Industries Ltd, Rai industrial area Sonepat - Haryana as a receptionist from the year 2013 to the End of August 2023. The company was into the manufacturing of original automotive components for Hyundai, Toyota, and various other companies, and was on the job until recently. Before fleeing to America for safety 

I happened to fall in love with Gagan Deep Singh
who was employed with Jims Institute in Delhi, But when my father came to know about my affair with Gagan he shouted at me and slapped me as I was quite innocent to understand this kind of social dogmas for loving an inter-faith person then I however loved and liked Gagan and he also loved so that's why we got married

There was no problem except our parents were a little annoyed and angry about our love   marriage, but finally settled down and accepted us 
. A regular small problem like every joint family has, used to bother us but no major issues cropped up. My sister-in-law was somewhat dominating in nature but I kept on accommodating her quietly and later everything was going well with my family and parent

Though I profess Hinduism as my birth religion
, As a consequence, my interfaith marriage with Gagandeep Singh was also rebuffed., There was extreme family resentment against this marriage and adding fuel to the fire was the Islamic threats also added to already existing  Anti-sikh threats in my life. I had to fight on both fronts to lead my peaceful family life. it was very difficult to arrive at peace mentally and physically hence decided to leave India 

Anti-Sikhs Riots during 1984
, All over India still haunt us, where sikh families even if married to Hindus were also targeted to eliminate them, whenever we happen to experience changing circumstances around us in our present life, our parents revert us back to the happenings of our past like riots and merciless killings of innocent Sikhs and Hindu families during Partition of India in 1947. They both were targeted by Islamists at that time as well. These real-life horror stories create fears in our minds when we see something of that sort happening around us and state machinery not doing sufficient to save us from such culprits, congress had openly triggered riots against us to finish us once and for all 


My parents brought us up in those days of 1984 full of turmoil and the Massacre of Sikhs all over India by politically motivated Islamic goons, propped up by erstwhile congress party in power,

 Sikhs were disliked by Congress for their self-esteem and entrepreneurship,  the then congress Government under Indira Gandhi, our Golden Temple was attacked and seized by the Indian Army to nab Jarnail sing Bhinderwala, the so-called khalistani terrorist hiding in the Gurudwara of Harminder sahib in Amritsar.

Golden Temple attack in 1984 by the army under Congress, resulted in the assassination of  Indira Gandhi then the Priminister of India

After the assassination of Indira Gandhi in 1984 The Then incumbent Priminister Rajiv Gandhi openly admitted in public that if a big tree falls ( He was talking of his mother Ms Indira Gandhi as a big tree who was assassinated ) it causes tremors in the earth( Tremors in the earth were similar to killing of thousands of innocent Sikhs and Hindus who so ever raised voice against them,

we were living a married life full of constant fear and religious apartheid /Islamic-supported Persecution By sectorial violence and khalistani/Activities in and around Delhi. where only Hindus/Sikhs were targeted and burnt alive by the same Islamic jihadis hired by the then political dispensation and not only were we attacked but our properties were also ransacked, and looted,

Despite the Police being present there, did not protect us, under the instruction of local politicians who failed to protect us miserably. Thousands of Sikhs were killed, women raped, and children burnt for no faults of theirs except their freedom to express and raise their voices against the Government Machinery was not  suiting to the Governments of the day 

Taking our families and Running away to different places in Punjab, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh to save our lives from political Islamic jihadis was a huge task full of risks 

we had to move here and there in search of safe havens within India. Still, we could not live peacefully and prosper anywhere because of open threats to our lives and Property by this politically sponsored Islamic jehad, which is persisting and has increased manifold because of the Iran and Israel war, even today. we can see violent Islamic protests happening all over India, they could go Berserk any time soon as their historical facts when they start bloody civil killings in India as well.

My parents succumbed to the stress and fear of living in the same hell
as in Pakistan as we lived before the Partition of India where we Sikhs and Hindus were butchered in thousands by these Islamic forces and she was under dire stress and died prematurely.
Even Elected state Governments failed to protect us because of their Muslim appeasement vote bank   policies

Reasons to seek asylum in the US
This is A New wave of unsettling ethnic and religious fundamentalist Islamic jehad against Sikhs/Hindus is endangering our lives and properties once again. Our women folks and young girls are lured to love jehad,  most of our Punjab has been taken over by these jihadi elements under their land jehad movements as in Pakistan or India are being abducted and converted to Islam or killed with a hefty price tag on our lives.

Governments of any Political party are hiding behind the secular veil and doing nothing against their political Islamic vote Bank, this has rendered our lives traumatized and victimized.
Governments of any party of today hide behind the mask of secularism and do nothing against their political Islamic/Khalistani vote bank, making our lives suffer and suffer at the hands of old bureaucracy, even the present elected government in India avoids taking any strict action against such elements under its political compulsions


Recent Farmer's Protests, Shaheen Bagh protests organized in Delhi where I live were just sham and orchestrated by anti-nationalist elements sitting in Pakistan and elsewhere, where Khalistan Sikhs and Islamic jihadis had joined hands against India.
Islamic jihadists were protesting against the CAA and Khalistani Sikhs were providing food and other supplies in collaboration with the main opposition Congress. In such a situation, the police also do not want to help us because they also want to be politically correct and want to please their previous political masters. They also pressure us to join hands with them and become part of their insurgent groups, which we don't support, so they threaten us with dire consequences, file false criminal cases and threaten arrests, including death.

Despite us being in the US at the moment, they are constantly calling us from the private number by their henchmen here threatening to kill us if we do not support them. ( this is because My husband used to rebuff their false propaganda ) they have taken us as a Hindu-sikh alliance against them. Police help is not possible in opposition-ruled states like neighbouring Punjab, from where they make threatening calls using a pseudonym.

We lived in the centre of Delhi State, where the federal government of India BJP is in power, and we were also there when the Punjab Police even arrested a BJP Spokesperson Sikh Tajinder Singh Bagga of the ruling federal party in India and took him to Punjab. , because he made political comments about the Aam Aadmi Party on social media. This shows that politicians of every party, settle their scores when in power, they have been threatening us also as we supported our friend Tejider Singh Bagga 
. In January last year 2023, Sikhs were arrested from Delhi, without any charge or reason,  just to please their political masters in the Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab and to square off their political enmity with the nationalistic  Sikhs,

We are not allowed to discuss our problems openly, or else fatwas are issued on our lives and we face the dangers of being murdered like our friend Kamlesh Tiwari A BJP Party functionary known to us.was murdered at his residence and the killers were Islamic jihadis out to take revenge if we posted anything on social media which doesn't suit them, This kind of terror is killing us every day

Mere Mentioning them that these protests are funded by some antinational forces sitting overseas who want to disturb India. Even this statement has been fatal for one of the residents who was killed by the Khalistan Islamic alliance during these protests and hanged there and then at the place of protests, to create fear and terror amongst us the peaceful Sikh Indians

I usually go with My Husband to pray at the Gurudwaras, because Hindu Sikhs have a common heritage and principles in life, as such there is no bar on our visiting religious places by our Hindu sikh people, but Islamists have tied up with Khalistanis and are extorting huge donations from visitors under coercion and destroying the sanctity of temples, on objecting to them  they threaten to keep silent else kill us 

All our religious places like Gurudwaras and temples are being controlled by these Khalistan Islamic jehadi alliance, and State Governments are openly supporting this kind of jihad, any speech or spoken word or any social media post shared by us against them is like a death warrant, and no police or Courts have enough guts to protect us or deliver justice against these nefarious forces, this is altogether a different kind of ethnic and religious onslaughts on our cultural existence, where even state is failing to protect us under jehadi infiltration in our institutions.

We have recently seen Jehadi Islamic and Khalistan agents erecting Billboards calling to eliminate Priminister Modi even in the USA? The extent of The serious threats they have created in India are self-evident.


Recently a social media post on Facebook and Twitter, shared by a friend of my husband Kamlesh Tiwari who though belonged to the ruling Party BJP, yet was Murdered under the pretext of Blasphemy, The Same people are making now threats against me and my husband  because of sharing the same social media Truth about their Mohammad marrying a very young girl of 9 years only,

Political -Frustration - NO PROTECTION
They are chasing me and my husband in and out under the garb of courier men or delivery boys at our locked house in India, only to kill us for our social media posts against their  Prophet Mohammad, the Hindu Sikhs families are living under huge stress and disbelief from these fundamentalist groups who want us to tow their line of thoughts or be prepared to die leaving our wealth, women folks for them like they did in Indian states of Kashmir or Kerala. or wherever their population becomes substantial they start torturing Hindu Sikhs and Christians 

The Wakf Act bill has raised temperatures in India where Jehadis are adamant about killing all Kaafirs namely Hindu Sikhs or whoever doesn't believe in their Allah 

These FRINGE Elements have even been dominating Government agencies like the Police and judicial courts where most of the rulings are passed against the victims be Sikh or Hindu, Muslim jihadis are handled with utmost care and unbelievable protection, but not other religions in a similar manner  Hence no action is taken against the culprits.
political -Frustration -- Political Tensions --Political climate is just endangering our day-to-day Peaceful life in India , 

MISERABLE LIFE My family  LIVED and still living in India -
Huge mental pressures and tensions deteriorated my health and body causing serious ailments like upsetting my mensural cycles and it rendered me a fruitless tree that can no longer bear a child or any conception at this age possible, This is the price I have Paid for living a life of distress and anxiety.

And it has led to Mild Thalisimia in my body which has crippled further my hopes of expecting prospective motherhood

I Sudha Kumar Named above, solemnly declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of The United States that the preceding statement and declaration is true and correct.” to the best of my knowledge and Memory

Applicant / Declarent 




Friday, October 4, 2024


GaganDeep Singh  son of late Mr Charanjit Singh 

, "I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of The United States that the following statement is true and correct to My personal belief and knowledge ".

 /STATEMENT OF MY LIFE:---Seeking Asylum in the USA

My name is Gagandeep Singh, My father's name is  Charanjit Singh.  I lived in New Delhi, India before escaping to the USA, With my spouse Sudha Kumar, I arrived in New York (USA) from Delhi Airport (India ) on April 26, 2024, on my B-1, B-2  ten-year multiple visitor visa for the US on my Indian passport.
This is my second visit to the US

The first time I visited the USA was in the year 2004 from 31st May to 22nd June 2004 on a business cum pleasure trip. My wife/spouse Sudha Kumar also accompanied me on this trip.

Hitherto everything was going smoothly in our life, but sudden Polito-social developments against our Sikh community by nefarious forces explained below, forced us to flee our country to seek a safe haven and peaceful progressive life, elsewhere, The USA which is the most favourable refuge for persecuted persons like us in India and the world over, who had suddenly started to fear/danger to their very life in India for the reasons narrated below :


Our prolonged stay / Residence in Delhi (INDIA) is a continued saga of turmoil and Painful Memories of the Anti-Sikh riots of 1984, orchestrated by the incumbent congress Government, in the aftermath of the assassination of The then Priminister of India Ms Indira Gandhi., Aftermath is still alive in our Minds - it is felt even nowadays too.

There was a lot of tension in every Sikh family after the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on October 31st, 1984.
The next day November 1,1984 morning was quite traumatic for Sikhs because the personal body security guards of Ms Indira Gandhi, who assassinated The Priminister happened to be disgruntled Sikhs. In retaliation lynching mobs, particularly habitual murderers and lynchers of Islamic jihadis were mobilized to take revenge on Sikhs en masse all over India.

There were murders, rapes and killings' criminal incidents of burning and looting all the Sikh families pan India, I was very young and I still remember there were mobs of people searching for Sikh families in every house and nook and corner of every market with various weapons like knives, swords, iron rods, petrol bombs and tyres, to burn us alive.

These 1984 sikh riots were orchestrated by this same Indian National Congress party, which is in opposition Now. They have openly declared and confessed on public platforms, that they are a real Muslim party that always works against other religions  Despite they're not being in power, even today we are harassed all over India by their ecosystem still intact.  Their leaders well-drenched in our society, call us names and insult our race and beliefs. They have been Anti-sikh dispensation throughout the history of India, it is on their behest and patronage that Islamists are tormenting us Sanatani race again.

"People want to focus wrongly on Modi and Hindu nationalism, They just came to power only ten years ago or so but these problems have existed since before 1947,". By the same religious mindset which is disturbing the whole world even now "Today we're seeing the continual growth of that. Those seeds have sprouted again in India. Endangering lives of ethnic sikh  minorities, based on their race, beliefs and religious practices, and appeasement policies of the ruling parties 

Still, They dictate and control the system through their goons, spread all over India living in temporary shanties in major metropolitan cities. As against their usual narrative against Hindu supremacy, the truth is They always try to create a rift amongst otherwise common roots of Sikhs and Hindus. if we don't vote and politically support them. Their Leader and Indi alliance openly abused us. They insulted us for our faith and religion calling us Sanatana cancer and comparing us with dengue & AIDS.

Sikh Priminister Manmohan Singh was just a puppet of Congress jihadi combined to mislead the world 

 Last Priminister Manmohan Singh was a Sikh, blatantly used as a dummy head, to spread a false narrative against our common Sanatana roots, exploited and insulted by the present party in opposition "Congress is in control of  Sonia Antonio Myno and her son Raul Vinchi clan, even on international platforms ( well documented in world media )  A sikh face was misused to pacify Sikhs for the excesses against Sikhs Pan India including Punjab during riots, where even Our Golden Temple was attacked to be destroyed by this very congress Party. 


My aged parents raised our family in constant fear and religious persecution stigma since Islamic rulers were in a direct fight with Punjabi Sikhs during the entire Mogule rule, The same mindset still continues under concealed treacherous pretensions of ex ruling congress ecosystem, where they openly support Islamic terrorism to fix their political ambitions. 

I was still in my Teens (born 25 Aug 1969) when Sikhs in and around our area were being   lynched and burnt alive not only were we attacked but our Properties and valuables were also looted,

Still, I remember How my younger sister was sent to hide on the first floor of our landlord's house to escape from the eyes of political goons who were trying to burn everything they could lay their hands on, and we too were hiding under coats/Beds and cupboards in our house. praying for our lives.

The house was on the main road, so the whole family of our Hindu landlord was standing outside the house with folded hands before the Islamic jihadis who had become political workers for Congress for money and Booz. This time their safe targets were only Sikhs.

our elders were begging them to spare them and leave for the sake of peace and love, The cruel intoxicated political crowd was looking for any sikh family hiding there. "There was no Sikh in this house," our Hindu landlord was pleading with them, For our safety

I was very much traumatised with shivers in my spine sensing the imminent fear of death of the whole of my family in front of my eyes, if they chose to light our house on fire with the petrol cans they were carrying with them, All of these political jihadis who were a mad intoxicated lot of mob who were not in a mood to retract, gave our family extreme moments of tension, and all this scene I was peeping through a small hole in the window.


Extreme stress and anxiety reminded our parents of the partition days of India which also had the same Islamic murders and arsoners in Pakistan in 1947.  This time as well the culprits were the same Islamic extremists who had no regard for people living peaceful lives. My aged Parents couldn't bear the trauma, they collapsed and succumbed to this ordeal and died of strokes early on within a few months. unfortunately, We were left to fend for ourselves on the untrodden path of life all alone without any Parental support.


We had to run here and there for our safest lives, but we could not find a place of peace and prosperity in India as the riots were widespread in Pan India. sentiment happened to be Anti-Sikhs because of the assassination incident.  

When everything seemed somewhat stabilized, we started living our lives once again, somehow, completed my studies in Delhi,
and obtained post-graduate degrees.

 Got married to Sudha Kumar (my present wife) and settled down in life.

I was sufficiently qualified to earn and lead a happy prosperous life in India but for sudden volatility and perceived fear and death in our life;

: I was the Head of of department of management in Jims ( institute of Management) for 17 years and it was complete administration of the campus having more than 3000 students along with 80 full-time teaching faculty.

My job was to do subject allocation to all management faculties for all four departments of IT, management, fashion and interior design, and hotel mgt, Along with sending admission of all students to their respective affiliated universities. Also, conducting examinations.. internally and of the university in our institution.

I was also organizing various events like seminars, convocations, annual cultural festivals, student appraisals, quiz programs

I was also dealing with all universities, on behalf of my employer JIM'S organising their meetings, and handling independent correspondence. with them all with all the departments and universities, It was Jagannath University NCR, Bahadurgadh, Haryana, where my last job was as Registrar of the university and the job profile was almost the same but bigger and wider responsibility,

I had 10 independent Departments', and was responsible for independent liaisoning, and correspondence with, UGC, Council of Architecture, Bar Council of India, AICTE, etc

I was also into the marketing of Jims Institute as well as the university and designing the marketing strategy...offline and online
Dealing with all admission consultants approx 250 consultants
Or admission facilitators.
I was comfortably making additional money at my home and stock trading business in India until recently. as a part-time occupation too, Before fleeing to the USA, because of the fresh precarious volatile situation in India developing fast, once again and threatening our lives again.

: "Reasons for seeking asylum in the US.":::

A new wave of violent ethnic and religious radical Islamic jihad propagated against Hindus/Sikhs, by the same old rogue political elements to break our Sanatan social fabric, is once again threatening our lives and property. ( I AM SIKH BY RELIGION AND  MY SPOUSE IS PROFESSING HINDU )This is the congenial fabric of unity which is under attack by political Islamic combines. In India, our women and young girls are being abducted, converted or killed, at a heavy cost to our lives.
(Exactly like what we hear is happening in Pakistan)


Today's governments Be of any party hide behind the mask of secularism and do nothing against their political Islamic/Khalistani vote bank politics, making our lives suffer and miserable, tormented at the hands of the continuing old bureaucracy of the previous congress Governments', which is still ruling the roasts, who always was against Hindus and Sikhs common roots, Right from their inception under First Priminister of free India, Jawaharlal Nehru reportedly in his words, in several biographies of different authors he was camouflaged Hindu ( reality is he was one of those descendants of jehadi rulers, Babar and Mehmood Gauri.

His party was always pro-Islamic jehadi elements, This is how we are facing threats from the various political dispensations in India even today, even the current elected Hindu government of BJP in India avoids taking any strict action against such elements head-on, because of preserving its international image and political vote bank compulsions.

This political rivalry is about to kill the farming population of Sikhs in Punjab, They are feeding Punjabi Sikhs in Delhi schools with drugs and other killing medications in league with Islamic smugglers from Pakistan, Our very existence in India has become a challenge ( Very disturbing video appearing on the social media and the Print Media is an evidence of systematic destruction of our faith, religion and race is continuing without any check by the law enforcement of the state. 

The recent farmer protests held in Shaheen Bagh, Delhi, as well as the CAA protests held in Delhi where I live, were mere sham and organised by the same anti-national elements sitting in Pakistan and elsewhere where Khalistan Sikhs and Islamic Jihadis have joined hands against India. (Newspapers and other media reported this nexus in detail) They are now posing bigger threats to our lives and smooth sailing in our day-to-day existence. Our institutions where we used to work and flourish peacefully have been sabotaged and have become a den of anti-social elements depriving us of serving our institutions and employers. Challenging the status quo always meets with death threats and serious repercussions.

It was internationally reported and acknowledged in Media the nexus between Jehadis, Khalistanis Islamic Jihadis who were protesting against CAA, Khalistani Sikhs under the banner of SFJ along with the main opposition party Congress were providing finances, food and other logistics

( This is a well-reported and documented fact on world media platforms which anyone can see and access ) Our grievances go unresolved, By the Government of the day because of these reasons and the Police also do not want to help as they also want to be politically correct and are showing loyalty to their previous political masters.

instead, They also pressure us to join hands with them and become part of their rebel groups which if we do not support, they threaten us with dire consequences, file false criminal cases against us, and give threats of arrest in false and fabricated criminal cases against us including an imminent death threat.

Their masters and perpetrators/financiers sit abroad and want to disturb India. on our mentioning that "We do not want to be involved in this kind of sham anti-national protests," our refusal to join their groups also proved fatal for one of our residents known to me, who was allured to participate in farmers protests, but when he realized the truth was not in farmers interest but the political movement against the government propped up by many anti-nationals operating from outside of India

He wanted to leave the protests for good but was beaten & killed there and then at the site of the protests,  , by the same Khalistan-Islamic Alliance during these protests and hanged his body at the site of his sit-in protests itself, just to create fear and terror in those peace-loving Sikhs law abiding nationalist Indians who were also trying to move away from Their nefarious designs.

The organisers of the protests became suspicious of us Because we tried to reveal the truth behind these protests, to the media houses and government functionaries, they started planning to eliminate us too. to stop the inside information from being leaked into the public domain or News channels, They were emboldened enough because of weak and timid responses from the federal agencies, they were not afraid of any strict action against them as courts were also towing their lines in collusion through fixer lawyers 

Despite our repeated assurances not to do it in future again, they still did not trust us and started visiting our house to blackmail us for money towards contributions for the farmers and CAA protests, Because they openly said either you become one of us or fund us, there is no other way to escape.

To keep a vigil on our movements they implanted in our house a
Muslim girl as house help under fictitious Hindu name, doing kitchen and house cleaning on an hourly basis, we were ordered by her masters, to pay her hourly every day, behave respectfully with her as if she is your daughter, we had no choice except to agree to their dictates to save our lives. she took full liberty in our house and did whatever she wanted to do to our own family members.

one day she silently stole Rs 23,000 from our cupboard, which we were saving for the medical expenses of my wife and when we tried to search for her to catch her red-handed, she fled from the house. despite our chase and search she could not be apprehended for a few days.


we went to the police to lodge the complaint that the Local Muslim Gang was working in our area to loot and kill Sikhs, Police registered our complaint and Assured us to locate her and recover our money and other stolen property but didn't succeed, instead, Police after two days changed their stance possibly on someone's instance or approach, or local political interventions/ pressure, started saying that you withdraw your complaint and have a mutual compromise/settlement to avoid future complications' "as we can not proceed with your complaint against this Muslim operatives." These Gangs are politically protected and in cahoots with local police stations. 

They did not reply to our concerns and questions about their change of mind.? instead thereafter police started harassing us to take our complaint back and pay them gratifications also to close the case.

As we found out later she was a Muslim gang member involved in burglaries, robberies and murders of rich Hindu sikh families for money, police itself was party to this loot, though we had her house address, and we followed her for some time, but she was not to be traced. surprisingly police were being handled by these gangs not to pursue the case.

These Islamic gangs work through women to gang up and kill as soon as they get a chance. Their main target is /Hindu- Sikh families as they know Sikhs are generally rich and pious by nature. We also filed a complaint in the police station of Rohini but to no avail, one fine morning Police came with a counter-complaint against us charging us with women trafficking and molestation, and showed us a copy of the complaint by the same house help who was absconding thus far " saying that a Muslim girl had lodged another counter complaint against us,

I protested what does all this nonsense mean instead of helping you are trying to frame us in a false case?
what does this mean? why are you persecuting us on whose behest? You must protect us and not blackmail us with counter-complaints,? Hearing this the police started misbehaving and threatening us with dire consequences. if we don't agree to their demands.

we soon realised that this was a malafide conspiracy by the law enforcement agency to finish us as they knew that we husband- and wife were living alone and were very soft targets to be exploited for money and other purposes. we were sure now that as the police also did not help us due to Muslim political nexus in the system, we stood no chance of getting any justice whatsoever.

we were stunned when police officers wanted us to pay them Rs 50000/- to hush up this case? our complaint to recover our money worth 23000/ They were not sure but were asking for another 50000/- only to hush up the investigation and allow us some time to abscond to some other safe place to avoid arrests.

we were left with no option but to abandon our house in Delhi and run away as soon as possible else we were being threatened by the police that on Muslim woman's grave false charges in the complaint, 'we were likely to be put behind bars and tortured for extortion by the police as well.

Running from pillar to post, we also tried some political friends, and lawyers to help us with these serious allegations. They also showed their inability to help us if the charge is by a Muslim woman and that too alleging Molestation, rape, and woman trafficking, you will have to fight years and years in courts and linger in jails till the end of discharge, I and my wife got terrified and decided to leave India for our life and safety right away.


Even though we are currently in the USA, we are still hoping against hope for some positive developments to happen where risks to our life are mitigated enabling us to return back safely to India But still feel fear of being arrested and tortured by the police in fake cases to satisfy their corrupt demands. because they are constantly hunting for us in false cases and visiting our house in India, They have come to know about us living presently, in New York, and they are threatening us now through their henchmen here calling us from fake numbers that they will kill us if we do not support them with money and some fieldwork for them even to mobilize funds in the USA.

It is not possible to seek police assistance in opposition-ruled states like neighbouring Punjab, from where they make threatening calls from fake numbers.

We lived in the heart of the state of Delhi, where the Indian federal BJP  government is seated, and we also witnessed people in our Sikh community being whisked away to adjoining states and arrested there, solely for political reasons, the Punjab police arrested our friend from the BJP ruling Party, Sikh named Tejinder Singh Bagga and took him to Punjab for coercion. He was highly connected with the federal government so was saved but an ordinary worker like me has no chance of getting any respite from arrests and religious tortures to extract favourable statements. 

His fault was again freedom of speech:---- it was because he made his political views/comments about the ruling Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi and Punjab, on social media groups. This clearly shows that politicians of every party, have maximum intolerance against our right to free speech and treat us as their personal enemies, on religious and ethnic grounds, we are scared of expressing our freedom of speech in such an atmosphere who knows when police from Punjab or any state come knocking at our door to arrest us just for the social media post? our freedom of speech is a problem with such political parties. 

POLITICAL INACTION'S enhances our Fears for our life 
with the change in Governments in Delhi and Punjab, All our religious places like Gurudwaras and Temples are being covertly controlled by these Khalistani Jihadi coalitions, with the support and finances from other countries, Many Muslim jihadis have started wearing turbans and adoring dresses like Sikhs to mislead and cheat sikh women and daughters for their nefarious designs, called fake love jehad to woo Hindu sikh girls for conversion to Islam and rapes, Many have been arrested and reported in Media as well, but the crusade still goes on unchecked because of political inaction on these antisocial elements.

All Sanatani Hindu-sikh community, We Sikhs are also the sons of Sanatan culture/heritage and our forefathers willingly contributed to raising a Sikh Army out of Sanatana Hindus only, to fight these jihadis and Islamic rulers of that time. This is where we are being revenged upon and every one of us having different religious faiths is at risk of Islamic conversions and threat to life, 

 for our free speech or spoken words or any social media post against them is suicidal, and there is no scope left to seek police protection or court support/ Protection against these nefarious forces for justice. Because all Governmental agencies are afraid to take strict action against them fearing aggressive responses like Mobb's lynching of police and the public, and rioting which is the norm the world over by these jihadis. These Protests even erupted all over the world at the recent killing of Nasarullah the Gaja Muslim commander by Israeli forces. This aggressive stance of political Islam in India and the world over is at the highest level and posing great dangers to ethnic minorities like Sikhs in India because of their vulnerability. 

ISLAMIC JEHAD is AT ITS PEAK in India & overseas because of patronage and appeasement of such elements by the Governments, It is more precarious once it is targeted against individuals and Sikh families like ours.

It is against  Hindus, Sikhs, Jews and Christians settled peacefully in India 
This is a different kind of ethnic and religious attack on our freedom of speech and expression. It feels like we are living in some Islamic country like Iran or Pakistan where blasphemy charges are used to kill innocents, we feel the same here in India. Due to the politics of appeasement, the political class and law enforcement agencies are allowing all this to happen. The government are not helping our cause and safety concerns 

We have recently seen billboards of Jihadi Islamic( controlled by ISI of Pakistan and other terrorist organisations ) and Khalistani terrorists (SFJ)calling for the elimination of PM Modi on his recent visit to The USA even in the US? The grave threat they pose to India is self-evident. They have become more notorious and powerful enemies of humanity altogether.

Recently some time ago, a factual social media post was shared on Facebook and Twitter by my friend Kamlesh Tiwari who belonged to the present-day ruling party BJP,

 Islamic jihadis who murdered him had come to his house as pizza delivery men as they didn't want the truth about their Mohammed to be shared. They have still not been arrested which shows some nexus with security agencies and the ruling central Government is also helpless in protecting their Party men even? the same people are now threatening me because I shared the truth that their Mohammad married a very young girl of only 9 years, the current Federal Hindu BJP government could not even protect its own executive Kamlesh Tiwari, he was murdered point blank, by the Islamic jihadis, how could we the ordinary people be saved from this kind of dangers lurking on our faces?


Nupur Sharma is another ruling party BJP member who is a supreme court lawyer in India who posed a simple question about Mohammad and his Marriage to Ayesha 9 years of age? in a live debate on TV in New Delhi. , she was threatened with death and she sought the protection of the Supreme Court of India for the threats, but she has also been rattled by our Supreme Court of India, by adverse judgement against her. same courts easily protect Islamic jihadis but not Sikhs and Hindus' That is our greatest threat perception that even courts are not compromised and tilted in favour of jihadis, for the reasons best known to them.

No relief was given to her against life threats. As a result, Nupur Sharma also had to go underground to save her life for a long time and the Government of India had to face hard times to save her life by providing  Z plus security to her because the Islamic Fatwa was passed against her to kill her and get the reward, her fault was that she quoted some phrases from the Islamic Quran in which Muslims do not want to hear the truth and directly issued a fatwa to kill that person.

Based on our submissions above we pray to this Government of the USA to allow us to remain in this country as a political asylee 
and save us from imminent dangers to our life and property:-

If we return to India, Now there still persists a credible fear and perceived risk to our life and property in real and in our minds -------

jihadis are keeping vigil on our house even in our absence Our Delhi residence is being watched under the guise of a courier man or delivery boy, Now with a motive only to kill us and extort money from us, one for our fair comments on social media posts against Mohammad, and other the Trap which they laid for us through Muslim Woman as house help, through her they have filed a criminal case of women trafficking which is false and frivolous only to extort money from us. we are living under immense stress and distrust from these fanatic ideologies who want us to support their views or be ready to leave our property, and women for them like they did in Kashmir or Kerala. These elements have even infested, and overpowered government institutions, the police courts and government officers, where most of the people who go against them are insulted, and prosecuted in false and frivolous cases to be put behind bars for life, and grab the properties of a victim through dubious means 

Our  life is Now in your hands please save us 

But we both can't do anything or sustain ourselves in the US until we have some legal status or eligibility to work in The US -- 
it's one of the obvious reasons we didn't apply for asylum before and we thought of returning to India sooner when we feel normalcy there. But we can't return to India now, because of fear of imminent persecution and the threat to our lives has increased manifolds where we have been threatened with violence and elimination because we raised our voices against law enforcement agencies and jehadi elements in our society. No one will protect us now 

"People want to focus wrongly on Modi and Hindu nationalism, but these problems have existed since before 1947,". By the same religious mindset which is disturbing the whole world even now "Today we're seeing the continual growth of that. Those seeds have sprouted again in India. Endangering lives of ethnic sikh  minorities and appeasement policies of the ruling parties 

Sincerely hope you are having some feeling of the dying moments we lived while in India 


My credentials are enclosed /attached with the declaration of the asylum 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

#533 --ADABI SANGAM ---July 27th --2024-- TOPIC-- DUNIYA--- เคฆुเคจिเคฏा ----------WORLD-------

# 533
Presented by
MR & Mrs Naginder Puri
JULY 27,2024
4:30 PM -10 PM


Mr Mrs Arora 
Mrs Anu  Bhanot 
Ms Sukhmani Bhanot 
Mr Mrs Chopra 
Mrs datta Mrs Sanjay Datta
Mrs Mrs Dillion 
Mr Mrs Gulati 
Mr Mrs Gupta 
Mrs Rita Kohli
Mr Mrs Komal kumar 
Mr Mrs Rajni kumar 
Mr Mrs Nagpal 
Mr Mrs Sethi
Mr R d Sethi

71-51 Yellowstone Blvd
Forest hill, Ny 11375


Host : Mr.& Mrs Naginder Puri
Date : 07/27/2024


เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें เคนเคฎ เค†เคं เคนैं เคคो เคœीเคจा เคนी เคชเฅœेเค—ा ,
เคœीเคตเคจ เคนै เค…เค—เคฐ เคœเคนเคฐ เคคो เคชीเคจा เคนी เคชเฅœेเค—ा , 

เคฏเคน เคฆो เคชंเค•्เคคिเคฏाँ เค‡ंเคธाเคจ เค•ी เคฎเคœเคฌूเคฐी เคฆเคฐ्เคถाเคคी เคนै , เค—เคฐीเคฌी , เคฒाเคšाเคฐी , เคฌीเคฎाเคฐी เคธे เค˜िเคฐा เค‡ंเคธाเคจ เค‡เคธी เคช्เคฐเค•ाเคฐ เค•ी เคฐเคšเคจा เค•เคฐेเค—ा।  เค•ुเค› เคเคธा เคนी เคนुเค† เคนोเค—ा เค‰เคธ เคธเคฎเคฏ เคœเคฌ เคฏเคน เค—ीเคค เคฒिเค–ा เค—เคฏा เคนोเค—ा เคœिเคธเคฎे เค†เคค्เคฎเคธเคฎเคชเคฐ्เคฃ เคนी เคจเคœเคฐ เค†เคคा เคนै เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ी เคฎुเคธीเคฌเคคों เคธे เคฒเฅœเคจे เค•ा เคœเคœ्เคฌा เคจเคนीं। 

เคซिเคฐ เคเค• เคจเคฏा เคฆौเคฐ เคถुเคฐू เคนोเคคा เคนै , เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคตเคนी เคนै เคชเคฐ เค‡ंเคธाเคจ เค•ी เคธुเคงเคฐเคคी เค†เคฐ्เคฅिเค• เคนाเคฒเคค เคจे เค‰เคจ्เคนें เคช्เคฐเคธเคจ्เคจ เคฐเคนเคจे เค•ा , เคนเคฐ เคช्เคฐเค•ाเคฐ เค•ी เคธुเคตिเคงाเค“ं เค•ो เคญोเค—เคจे เค•ा เคเค• เค…เคตเคธเคฐ เคฎिเคฒा เคคो เคฏเคน เค‰เคฆाเคธी เคฏเคน เคฎाเคฏूเคธी เคญी เค•ाเคซूเคฐ เคนो เค—เคˆ เค”เคฐ เค—ीเคคों เคจृเคค्เคฏों เคฎें เค‡เคธเค•ी เคเคฒเค• เคฎिเคฒเคจे เคฒเค—ी 

"เค‡เคธ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें เคœीเคจा เคนो เคคो เคธुเคจ เคฒो  เคฎेเคฐी เคฌाเคค , 
เค—เคฎ เค›ोเฅœ เค•े เคฎเคจाเค“ เคฐंเค— เคฐैเคฒी , 
เคฎाเคจ เคฒो เคœो เค•เคนเคคा เคนै, เคคुเคฎ्เคนाเคฐा เคฌेเคฒी "

เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคจे เคซिเคฐ เคฐंเค— เคฌเคฆเคฒा , เค…เคฌ เค‰เคธเค•े เคชाเคธ เคชैเคธा เคนै , เค…เคฎीเคฐी เคนै เคฒोเค—ो เค•े เคชाเคธ เคเคถोเค†เคฐाเคฎ เค•े เคธเคฌ เคธाเคงเคจ เคฎौเคœूเคฆ เคนैं , เคœเค—เคน เคœเค—เคน เคฐोเคฎांเคธ เค•เคฐเคจे เค•ा เคตเค•्เคค เคฎिเคฒเคจे เคฒเค—เคคा เคนै เค•ॉเคฒेเคœ เคธ्เค•ूเคฒ เคฎें เคฒเฅœเค•े เคฒเฅœเค•िเคฏां เคเค• เคนी เค›เคค เค•े เคจीเคšे เค…เคชเคจे เค…เคชเคจे เคธเคชเคจे เคฌुเคจเคจे เคฒเค—เคคे เคนै , เคœिเคธเค•े เคธเคชเคจे เคŸूเคŸे เค‰เคธเคจे เค–ुเคฆ เค•ी เค—เคฒเคคिเคฏां เคจเคนीं เคฆेเค–ी เคšเคฒ เคชเฅœा เคฎंเคฆिเคฐ เคฎें เคญเค—เคตाเคจ् เค•ी เคฎूเคฐ्เคคि เค•े เคธाเคฎเคจे เค”เคฐ เคšिเคฒ्เคฒाเคจे เคฒเค—ा เค•े เคญเค—เคตाเคจ् เคธเคฌ  เคคुเคฎ्เคนाเคฐा เค•िเคฏा เคงเคฐा เคนै เคœैเคธे เค•े เคญเค—เคตाเคจ् เค•े เคชाเคธ เคชूเคฐी เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें เคเค• เคฒเฅœเค•ा เคฒเฅœเค•ी เคช्เคฐेเคฎ เคฎें เคฐो เคฐเคนे เคนै เคคो เค‰เคจเค•ा เค•ोเคˆ เค‰เคชाเคฏ เคญเค—เคตเคจ เคนी เคฌเคคाเคฏे เคตเคฐเคจा เคญเค—เคตाเคจ् เค•ो เค•ोเคฐ्เคŸ เคฎें เค–เฅœा เค•เคฐ เคฆो เค”เคฐ เคšौเค• เคชे เค–เฅœे เคนोเค•े , เค•ोเคˆ เคช्เคฐाเคฐ्เคฅเคจा เคจเคนीं เคธिเคฐ्เคซ เค‰เคธे เค•เคŸเค˜เคฐे เคฎें เค–เฅœा เค•เคฐो เค”เคฐ เคชूเค›ो " 

"เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฌเคจाเคจे เคตाเคฒे เค•्เคฏा เคคेเคฐे เคฎเคจ เคฎें เคธเคฎाเคˆ , เค•ाเคนे เค•ो เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฌเคจाเคˆ , เคคूเคจे เค•ाเคนे เค•ो เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฌเคจाเคˆ" เคคเคญी เคธे เคฏเคน เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคเคธे เคตिเคšाเคฐों เคธे เค˜िเคฐी เค…เคชเคจी เคนी เคธोเคš เคฎें เคšเคฒเคคी เคฐเคนเคคी เคนै เค”เคฐ เค‡เคธเคฎें เคฐเคนเคจे เคตाเคฒे เค‡เคธเคฎें เค•เคฒ्เคช เค•เคฒ्เคช เค•े เคฌเคฆเคฒเคคे เคฌเคฆเคฒเคคे เค‡เคธ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคธे เคตिเคฆा เคนो เคœाเคคे เคนै เคซिเคฐ เคญी เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค…เคชเคจी เค—เคคि เคธे เคชเคนเคฒे เค•ी เคคเคฐเคน เคฎเคธ्เคค เคšเคฒเคคी เคฐเคนเคคी เคนै , เคจ เคฎाเคฒूเคฎ เค•िเคคเคจे เค•เคฐोเคกो เคตเคฐ्เคทों เคธे ? 

เค–ुเคฆ เค•ो เคธเคฎเคเคจा เคœ्เคฏाเคฆा เคœเคฐूเคฐी เคนै เค‡เคธ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ो เคธเคฎเคเคจे เคธे เคชเคนเคฒे ,
เคœिเคธ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें เคฌเคธे เคนो เค‰เคธเค•ी เค—िเคฐเคคी เคฆเคถा เค•ो เคธंเคญाเคฒเคจा เคฌเคนुเคค เคœเคฐूเคฐी เคนै 
เค•िเคธी เคจเคˆ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ी เคคเคฒाเคถ เคฎें , เคšाँเคฆ เคคाเคฐों เค”เคฐ เค—्เคฐเคนों เค•ो เค–ंเค—ाเคฒเคจे เคธे เคชเคนเคฒे 
เค‡เคธ เคชृเคฅिเคตी เคชे เคฌเคธी เค…เคชเคจी เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ी เคธुเคง  เคคो เคฒेเคจा เคถुเคฐू เค•เคฐो , เคœिเคธเค•ा เคตเคœूเคฆ เคนी เค–เคคเคฐे เคฎें เค† เคšूเค•ा เคนै , เคคुเคฎ्เคนाเคฐे เค•ुเค•เคฐ्เคฎों เคธे เค—्เคฒोเคฌเคฒ เคตाเคฐ्เคฎिंเค— , เคธเคฎुเคฆ्เคฐो เคฎें เคญी เคช्เคฐเคฆूเคทเคฃ ,  เคนเคฐ เคœीเคต เค•ो เค–เคคเคฐा , เคจเคญ เคœเคฒ เคตाเคฏु เคธเคฌ เคฎें เคคुเคฎ्เคนाเคฐी เคฌेเคตเฅ˜ूเคซीเค†ं เค‡เคธ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ो เคนी เฅ™เคค्เคฎ เค•เคฐเคจे เคฎें เคฒเค—ी เคนै ? เค•्เคฏा เค•เคฐोเค—े เคจเคˆ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค–ोเคœ เค•े เคชเคนเคฒे เค‡เคธे เคธเคฎ्เคญाเคฒो เคœिเคธे เคคुเคฎเคจे เคจเคท्เคŸ เค•िเคฏा เคนै 

เคœเคฌ เคฅोเฅœा เค…เคง्เคฏเคจ เค•िเคฏा เคคो เคฐाเคœ เค–ुเคฒा , เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคเค• เค‡เคธ्เคฒाเคฎिเค• เคชเคฐ्เคถिเคฏเคจ เคถเคฌ्เคฆ เคนै , เคนเคฎ เค‡เคธे เคœो เคญी เคธเคฎเคे , เค‡เคธ्เคฒाเคฎिเค• เคฎाเคจ्เคฏเคคा เคฏเคน เคนै เค•े เคœो เค‰เคจเค•े เค•เคฆเคฎो เค•े เคจीเคšे เคนै เค‰เคธเค•ी เคฎिเคŸเคŸी เคฏเคน เคธिเคฐ्เคซ เคญोเค—เคจे เค•े เคฒिเค เคนै  เค‡เคธเคฒिเค เค‡เคธเค•ो เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ा เคจाเคฎ เคฆिเคฏा,  เคœเคจ्เคจเคค เคคो เคตोเคน เคนै เคœो เค‡เคธ เคจिเค•ृเคถ्เคŸ เคงเคฐเคคी เคธे เค•เคนीं เค•เคฐोเคกो เคธाเคฒ เคฆूเคฐ เคนै เคœिเคธเค•ो เคตोเคน เค…เคช्เคธเคฐाเค“ं เค”เคฐ เคนूเคฐों เค•ा เค˜เคฐ เคฎाเคจเคคे เคนै เคœिเคธे เค‰เคจเค•े เคจเคฌी เคจे เคฌเคจाเคฏा เคนै เค‰เคจเค•ी เค•िเคคाเคฌ เค‡เคธे  เค†เคธเคฎाเคจी เคฐเคšเคจा เคฎाเคจเคคी เคนैं , เคคเคญी เค‰เคจเค•ा เคฎाเคจเคจा เคนै เค•े เค‡เคธ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคชे เค‡เคธ्เคฒाเคฎ เค•े เคฒिเค  เคถเคนीเคฆ  เคนोเคจा เค‰เคธเค•ी เคœเคจ्เคจเคค เค•ी เคŸिเค•เคŸ เค•ी เค—ाเคฐंเคŸी เคนै เคœเคนाँ เฅญเฅจ เคนूเคฐें เค‰เคจเค•ा เคฌेเคธเคฌ्เคฐी เคธे เค‡ंเคคเฅ›ाเคฐ เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนी เคนै 

เค•िเคธी เคจे เค•เคนा เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค—ोเคฒ เคนै เคคो เค•िเคธी เคจे เค•เคนा เคšเคชเคŸी ? เคตाเคน เค•्เคฏा เคฌाเคค เคนै ?
เคฌเฅœी เค–ोเคœ เคฌीเคจ เค•เคฐเคคे เคนो เค•ुเคฆเคฐเคค เค•ी เค…เคชเคจी เค”เค•ाเคค เคธे เคญी เคฌाเคนเคฐ เคœाเค•เคฐ ,เค•เคญी เค–ुเคฆ เค•ो เคญी เคขूंเคขा เคนै เค‡เคธ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें ? เคเค• เคธूเค•्เคท्เคฎ เค•เคฃ เคœो เค•เคนीं เคฆिเค–ाเคˆ เคญी เคจเคนीं เคฆेเคคा। 

เค•्เคฏा เคนैเคธिเคฏเคค เคนै เคคुเคฎ्เคนाเคฐी เค‡เคธ เคฐंเค— เคฌเคฆเคฒเคคी เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें , เคœเคนाँ เคชเคฒ เคชเคฒ เค‡ंเคธाเคจ เคญी เคฌเคฆเคฒเคคा เคนै เค”เคฐ เค‰เคธเค•ी เคจिเคฏเคค เคญी , เค•ुเค› เค‡ंเคธाเคจ เคคो เคฌเคธ เค‡เคธी เคฌाเคค เคชे เค–ुเคถ เคนै เค•े เคตोเคน เคฏเคนाँ เคฎौเคœ เคฎเคธ्เคคी เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนै เค”เคฐ เค•ुเค› เคธाเคฒों เคธे เคœिเคจ्เคฆा เคนै เคฌाเค•ी เค•िเคธी เคธे เค•्เคฏा เคตाเคธ्เคคा เค‰เคจเค•ा ? เคนเคฐ เคฌाเคค เคฎें เค‰เคจเค•ी เคธ्เคตाเคฐ्เคฅ เคนी เคคो เคนै ,เคฌाเคคें เค•เคฐเคคे เคนै เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ो เคฎुเค ी เคฎें เคฌंเคฆ เค•เคฐเคจे เค•ी เคšंเคฆ เคธिเค•्เค•ो เค•ी เค–เคจเค–เคจाเคนเคŸ  เคฎें เคฆเคฌी เคนै เค‰เคจเค•ी เค–ुเคฆ เค•ी  เคนैเคธिเคฏเคค , 

เคนे เคชเคฐเคญु เค•ी เคฆेंเคจ เคจ เคถुเค•्เคฐे เค‡ंเคธाเคจ ,เคถเค•्เคฒ  เคคुเคฎ्เคนाเคฐी เค•िเคคเคจी เคฎाเคธूเคฎ เค”เคฐ เคฎเคจ เค‡เคคเคจा เค•เคชเคŸी เคนै ?
เคธเคฌ เค•ुเค› เคคो เคฆिเคฏा เคนै เคฆाเคคा เคจे เคคुเคे , เคคो เคซिเคฐ เค•्เคฏों เคฏเคน เค›ीเคจा เคเคชเคŸी เคนै , 

เคซिเคฐ เคจाเคฎ เคฆे เคฆेเคคे เคนो, เคฏเคน เคคो เคฆुเคจिเคฏाเคฆाเคฐी เคนै , เคญाเคˆ เค‡เคคเคจा เคคो เคฌเคคा เคฆो 
เคธเคš เค•ो เคฆเคฌा เค•เคฐ เคूเค  เค•ी เคฎाเคฒा เคœเคชเคจा เค•เคนाँ เค•ी เคˆเคฎाเคจเคฆाเคฐी เคนै

เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें เคฐเคน เค•เคฐ เคนी, เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ो เคธเคฎเคเคจा เคนोเค—ा
เค•िเคธी เค•ो เคฌเคฆเคฒเคจे เคธे เคชเคนเคฒे , เค–ुเคฆ เค•ो เคฌเคฆเคฒเคจा เคนोเค—ा

เค•เคฐ เคšुเค•े เคนो เคฌเคฐ्เคฌाเคฆ  เค‡เคธ เค–ूเคฌเคธूเคฐเคค เคงเคฐเคคी เคชे เคฌเคธी เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ो 
เค…เคชเคจे เค…เคนंเค•ाเคฐ เคธे เค…เคชเคจे เค…เคœ्เคžाเคจ เคธे , เค…เคฌ เค•เคนเคคे เคนैं เคšाँเคฆ เคชे 
เคเค• เคจเคˆ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฌเคธाเคฏेंเค—े , เคฎंเค—เคฒ เคชे เคญी เคฆंเค—เคฒ เค‡เคจเค•ा เคšाเคฒू เคนै 
เค‡เคธ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ी เคฌाเฅों เค•े เคชाเคจी เค•ो เคฏเคน เคธเคนेเคœ เคจ เคธเค•े 
เคšाँเคฆ เค”เคฐ เคฎंเค—เคฒ เคชे เคชाเคจी เคนोเคจे เค•ी เค–เคฌเคฐ เคธे เคूเคฎเคจा เค‡เคจเค•ा เคšाเคฒू เคนै 

เค†เคœ เคญी เคฌुเคฐी เค•्เคฏा เคนै เคฆुเคจिเคฏा ?เค•เคฒ เคญी เคฏे เคฌुเคฐी เค•्เคฏा เคฅी
เค•िเคธी เค•ी เคธिเคฎเคŸी เคฅी เคเค• เคฆเคธ เคฌाเคˆ เคฆเคธ เค•े เค•เคฎเคฐे เคฎें

เค•िเคธी เค•ी เคญเคŸเค•เคคी เคฐเคนเคคी เคฅी , เคตीเคฐाเคจ เคนเคตेเคฒिเค“ं เคฎें
เค•िเคธी เค•ी เคฒुเฅเค•เคคी เคฐเคนी เคธเฅœเค•ो เคซुเคŸเคชाเคฅो เคชे

เคฎเฅ™เคฎเคฒी เค—เคฆ्เคฆों เคชเคฐ เค•เคŸ เคฐเคนी เคนै เค•िเคธी เค•ी เค•เคฐเคตเคŸों เคฎें
เคซुเคŸ เคชाเคฅ  เคชे เคญी เคธो เคฐเคนे เคนै เคฒोเค— เคฌेเคธुเคง เคนो เค–เคฐांเคŸो เคฎें

เคนเคฐ เคคเคฐเคน เค•े เคฒोเค— เคฌเคธเคคे เคนै เคฏเคนाँ เคœिเคธเค•ा เคจाเคฎ เคนै เคฆुเคจिเคฏा ,
เคคुเคฎ เคฌเคฆเคฒो เคจ เคฌเคฆเคฒोเคชเคฐ เคฏे เคนเคฎेเคถा เคฌเคฆเคฒเคคी เคฐเคนเคคी เคนै
เคนूँ เคคो เคฎैं เคญी เค‡เคธी เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें , เคชเคฐ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ा เคคเคฒเคฌเค—ाเคฐ เคจเคนीं เคนूँ
เค‡เคธเค•े เคนเคฐ เคฌाเคœाเคฐ เคธे เค—ुเคœเคฐเคคा เคนूँ ,เคชเคฐเค–เคคा เคนूँ เคชเคฐ เค–เคฐीเคฆाเคฐ เคจเคนीं เคนूँ

เคฏे เคœाเคฒिเคฎ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค—़เคฎ เคคो เคฆेเคคी เคนै เคชเคฐ เคถเคฐीเค•-เค-เค—़เคฎ เคจเคนीं เคนोเคคी
เคฏเคน เคญी เคคो เคธเคš เคนै เคจ เค•े ,เค•िเคธी เค•े เคฆूเคฐ เคœाเคจे เคธे เคฎोเคนเคฌ्เคฌเคค เค•เคฎ เคจเคนीं เคนोเคคी

เคฏเคน เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคนै เคช्เคฏाเคฐे เคฏเคนाँ เคนเคฐ เคฌเฅœी เคšीเฅ› เคฆिเค–เคคी เคนै 
 เคถเคฐाเคฌ เคญเคฒे เค•เคฎ เค•เคฐ เคฆे,เค—ोเคฏा เคฎुเคे เค—िเคฒाเคธ เคคो เคฌเคก़े เคฆे 
 เคฎेเคฐा เคฅोเฅœा เคฐूเคคเคฌा เคคो เคฌเฅเคจे เคฆे, เค‡เคธเคฎें เคคेเคฐा เค•्เคฏा เคœाเคคा เคนै ?

เคคुเคฎ्เคนे เคฎाเคฒुเคฎ เคจเคนी เค•्เคฏा? เค•े เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें เคฒोเค— เค—िเคฒाเคธ เค•ो เคฌाเคนเคฐ เคธे เคฆेเค–เคคे เคนै เค…ंเคฆเคฐ เคธे เคจเคนीं ,เค•िเคคเคจी เคฌเคฐ्เคซ เคนै เค•िเคคเคจा เคชाเคจी ,เค‰เคจ्เคนें เค‡เคธी เคญเคฐเคฎ เคฎें เคนी  เคฐเคนเคจे เคฆे

เคธंเคธाเคฐ, เคœिเคธे เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจी เค†ँเค–ों เคธे เคฆेเค–เคคे เคนैं,เคœिเคธे เคตเคน เคเค• เค…เคฆ्เคตिเคคीเคฏ เคธंเค—्เคฐเคนाเคฒเคฏ เคนै। เคฏเคนाँ เคชเคฐ เค…เคจเค—िเคจเคค เคœीเคตों เค•ा เค†เคตाเคธ เคนै,
เคœो เค…เคชเคจी เค…เคฒเค—-เค…เคฒเค— เคœीเคตเคจเคถैเคฒिเคฏों เคฎें เคตिเค•เคธिเคค เคนो เคฐเคนे เคนैं। เคฏเคนाँ เคชเคฐ เคตिเคญिเคจ्เคจ เคญाเคทाเคँ, เคธंเคธ्เค•ृเคคिเคฏाँ, เคงเคฐ्เคฎ, เค”เคฐ เคœीเคตเคจ เค•े เค…เคจเค—िเคจเคค เคฐूเคช เคนैं।

เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎें เค†เคจा เค…เคชเคจे เค†เคช เคฎें ,เคธंเคธाเคฐ เค•ी เค…เคจंเคค เค—เคนเคฐाเคˆเคฏों เคฎें เค›ुเคชे เคฐเคนเคธ्เคฏों เค•ो เค–ोเคœเคจे เค•ा เค…เคฆ्เคตिเคคीเคฏ เค…เคตเคธเคฐ เคนै। เคฏเคนाँ เคชเคฐ เคœเคจ्เคฎ เค”เคฐ เคฎृเคค्เคฏु,เคธुเค– เค”เคฐ เคฆुःเค–,เคธเคซเคฒเคคा เค”เคฐ เค…เคธเคซเคฒเคคा เค•ी เคฌेเคถुเคฎाเคฐ เค•เคนाเคจिเคฏाँ เคฌเคธी เคนै 
เค•ुเค› เค•े เคฒिเค เคฏเคน เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฎเคคเคฒเคฌी เคนै เค•िเคธी เค•े เคฒिเค เคนै เคฏเคน เคœเคจ्เคจเคค , 
เค…เคธเคฒ เคฎें เคœैเคธा เคฎเคจ เคนै เคตैเคธी เคฆिเค–เคคी เคนै เคฏเคน เคฆुเคจिเคฏा 

เคธंเคธाเคฐ เค•ी เคฏाเคค्เคฐा เคฎें เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจी  เค†เคค्เคฎा เค•ो เคœाเคจเคจे เค•ी เคšाเคน เคฎें  ,เค…เคชเคจे เคœीเคตเคจ เค•े เค‰เคฆ्เคฆेเคถ्เคฏ เค•ी เค“เคฐ เคฌเคข़เคคे เคนैं।เคฆुเคจ्เคฏाเคฆाเคฐी เค•ा เคคो เคจाเคฎ เคนी เคนै เคเค• เคฆूเคœे เค•ा เคธाเคฅ เคฆेเคจा 
เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจे เคชाเคฐिเคตाเคฐिเค• ,เคชिเค›เคฒे เคœเคจเคฎ เค•े เค•เคฐ्เคฎों เค•े เคซเคฒ  เคญोเค—เคคे เคฐเคนเคคे เคนैं, เค”เคฐ เค…เคชเคจे เค…เคš्เค›े เค•เคฐ्เคฎों เคธे เค…เคจ्เคฏों เค•ी เคฎเคฆเคฆ เค•เคฐเคคे เคนुเค เค‡เคธ เคœीเคตเคจ เคฎें เค”เคฐ เคญी เค…เคš्เค›े เค•เคฐ्เคฎ เค•เคฎाเคคे เคฐเคนเคคे เคนै ।

เคธंเคธाเคฐ เค•ी เคฏाเคค्เคฐा เคเค• เค…เคจंเคค เค…เคตेเคจ्เคฏु เคนै, เคœो เคนเคฎें เคนเคฐ เคชเฅœाเคต เคชे เคœीเคตเคจ เค•े เค…เคธเคฒी เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏ เค•ो เคธเคฎเคाเคคी เคนै।เคฏเคนाँ เคชเคฐ เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจे เค…เคธเคฒी เค—ुเคฃों เค•ो เคชเคนเคšाเคจเคคे เคนैं, เค”เคฐ เค…เคชเคจे เค†เคค्เคฎा เค•ो เคถुเคฆ्เคง เค•เคฐเคคे เคนैं।เคฌเคšเคชเคจ เคธे เคœเคตाเคจी เค”เคฐ เคฌुเฅाเคชे เคคเค• เค•ा เค‡เคธ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ा เคธเคซเคฐ เคฌเคนुเคค เค•ुเค› เคธिเค–ा  เคฆेเคคा เคนै 

เคธंเคธाเคฐ เค•ी เคฏाเคค्เคฐा เคฎें เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจे เค…ंเคคเคฐाเคค्เคฎा เค•े เคธाเคฅ เคœुเคก़เคคे เคนैं,
เค”เคฐ เค…เคชเคจे เคœीเคตเคจ เค•ो เคเค• เค…เคฆ्เคตिเคคीเคฏ เค…เคจुเคญเคต เคฌเคจाเคคे เคนैं। เคฏเคนाँ เคชเคฐ
เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจे เคธเคชเคจों เค•ो เคชूเคฐा เค•เคฐเคจे เค•े เคฒिเค เคฒเค—े เคฐเคนเคคे เคนैं ,เค•ुเค› เคฒोเค— เค…เคชเคจे เค…ंเคคเคฐाเคค्เคฎा เค•ी เค†เคตाเคœ เคธुเคจเคคे เคนै เค”เคฐ เค•ुเค› เคธिเคฐ्เคซ เค…เคชเคจी เคฎเคจเคฎाเคจी เค•เคฐเคคे เคนै ,

เคธंเคธाเคฐ เค•ी  เค…เคจंเคค เคตिเคตिเคงเคคा เคฎें เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจे เคœीเคตเคจ เค•ी เคฏाเคค्เคฐा เค•เคฐเคคे เคฐเคนเคคे เคนैं।
เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจे เคธเคชเคจों เค•ो เคชूเคฐा เค•เคฐเคจे เค•े เคฒिเค เค•เค िเคจाเค‡เคฏों เค•ा เคธाเคฎเคจा เค•เคฐเคคे เคนैं,
เค”เคฐ เค…เคชเคจे เค…เคจुเคญเคตों เคธे เคธीเค–เคคे เคนैं। เค•ुเค› เค–ोเคคे เคนै เค•ुเค› เคชाเคคे เคนै เคชเคฐ เค‡เคธ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ी เคธเคš्เคšाเคˆ เคจเคนीं เคธเคฎเค เคชाเคคे เคนै 

 เคฌเคธ เคœเคฌ เค•ुเค› เค•ुเค› เคธเคฎเคเคจे เคฒเค—เคคे เคนै เค•े เค…เคšाเคจเค• เคฆिเคฒ เค•ी เค˜เคกी เค•ी เคŸिเค• เคŸिเค• เคฌंเคฆ เคนो เคœाเคคी เคนै , เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคตिเคฆा เคนोเคคे เคนी , เค‰เคธเค•ी เคœเค—เคน เคฒेเคจे เคเค• เค”เคฐ เค‡ंเคธाเคจ เค† เคœुเคŸเคคा เคนै เค”เคฐ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค•ा เคธเคซเคฐ เคฏुเคนीं เค…เคจเคตเคฐเคค เคšाเคฒू เคฐเคนเคคा เคนै 

เคฏเคนी เคนै เคช्เคฏाเคฐे เคฆुเคจिเคฏा ,เค˜ूเคฎเคคी เคฐเคนเคคी เคนै เค˜ुเคฎाเคคी เคฐเคนเคคी เคนै , เคฎिเคฒเคคी เคนै เคฎिเคฒाเคคी เคญी เคนै เคซिเคฐ เค…เคšाเคจเค• เคเค• เคฆिเคจ เคธเคฌ เค›ोเฅœ เค•े เค–ाเคฒी เคนाเคฅ เคšเคฒे เคœाเคคे เคนै เคจ เคœाเคจे เค•เคนाँ เค”เคฐ เค•िเคธเค•े เคชाเคธ ? เค‡เคธी เคฐเคนเคธ्เคฏ เค•ी เค–ोเคœ เคฎें เค‡ंเคธाเคจ เคฌाเคฐ เคฌाเคฐ เคœเคจเคฎ เคฒेเคคे เคฒेเคคे เคฎเคฐ เคœाเคคा เคนै เคชเคฐ เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เค‰เคธी เค—เคคि เคธे เคšเคฒเคคी เคฐเคนเคคी เคนै เคœीเคจा เคนเคฎें เคจเคนीं เค†เคฏा เค”เคฐ เคชूเค›เคจे เคฒเค—े เคชเคฐเคฎाเคค्เคฎा  เคธे เคŠँเคšी เคŠँเคšी เค†เคตाเคœ เคฎें -

เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฌเคจाเคจे เคตाเคฒे เค•्เคฏा เคคेเคฐे เคฎเคจ เคฎें เคธเคฎाเคˆ।  เค•ाเคนे เค•ो เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฌเคจाเคˆ , เคคूเคจे เค•ाเคนे เค•ो เคฆुเคจिเคฏा เคฌเคจाเคˆ